Being self-employed, my dad's taxes were a nightmare. Especially when he had to calculate depreciation of expensive farm machinery.
There were a number of years where he filed his taxes late. One year I missed out on about $2000 of financial aid grant money (got the $ in loans instead) because I was unable to supply a copy of my dad's tax return with my financial aid application. I was a little bitter at the time, but not anymore.
DH and I are debating whether Supernatural or My Name is Earl has the best soundtrack on television. It's a damned close call.
That said, I forgot to record or watch Earl tonight. Or CSI.
Someone should take away my tv. I suck at keeping up.
Hrm. I do so like SPN's, I also like Veronica Mars's. Oh, and, god help me, Scrubs. Scrubs should just send me a cd every week and cut out the middle man.
Okay, someone has to tell me what was on the OC tonight so I'm prepped for IM with SA tomorrow.
Channel surfing tonight turned up the last few minutes of a documentary recording a conversation between Dave Chapelle and Maya Angelou. I had almost forgotten how soothing and uplifting an experience it is just listening to that wonderful lady speak.
According to ET Online, Britney Spears wasn’t at home Wednesday night watching Lost like the rest of us. Noooo, Ms. Spears spent it deperately trying to get into Kevin Federline’s residence. After spending 45 minutes outside of his home, and trying to damage an SUV with an umbrella, Momma Spears finally came to her rescue.
These shocking photo’s courtesy of X17, show a bat shit crazy Britney fitted in a pair of white shorts and a hooded sweatshirt beating an SUV with an umbrella.
This just gets more sad....
eta: The video is just awful... Britney sitting in the front passenger seat of a car at a gas station, as a photographer says, "How are you doing? We're concerned about you." All the while he's taking bunches of flash photos....
Y'know what? I've never really disliked Britney. She's from my homestate. Whenever I heard people cracking on the Cheetoes or the barefoot, or the general white trashines, I leap to the defense. That's just how we do shit. Dude. I've dipped my cheetoes in hot sauce
while not even high!
I think Britney needs to have Dolly Parton adopt her. Embrace the trashy and be beloved the world over.
I think Britney needs to have Dolly Parton adopt her.
Just imagine the makeover session.
Just imagine the makeover session.
I read this as makeout session at first, and my brain went to a baaaad place.
I think that embracing the trashiness would help. Supressing the trashiness just leads to the kind of embarrassing public meltdown we're seeing now.
I always appreciate a certain amount of humanity or weakness in my favorite celebrities. Look at Hugh Grant. Sheepishly admitting to fucking up can go a loooong way.
The common thread I see between her and ANS are (ore were) these marginally talented or pretty girls who are just stupid. They both struck me as desperate and friendless. But they earn oodles of dosh and end up manipulated, sad and lonely. Then bald or decomposing on a coroner's slab.