I would probably feel very differently if I had been caught up in their problems as a traveler
My co-worker was supposed to go out of town last weekend, and couldn't because Jet Blue canceled a shitload of flights (not rescheduled - CANCELLED). They gave her vouchers to replace the tickets she didn't use, but yeah, emailed apology notes don't exactly make up for the fact that she missed a friend's wedding.
Not being a traveler last weekend, I only got the one email. She's gotten several, and it's gone way beyond good customer service and into paranoid CYA desperation.
And we will teach your bartenders the way of the Suspended Animation. You have to set the bar on fire for it.
Um. I like this plan, but it scares me. (If you knew who I was thinking of....) However, a few shots of Fernet, and I won't care. Whee!!!
Also, I need to come down and meet BoRita.
I'm still not convinced that Giuliani didn't just round up and kill the homeless people -- seriously, where did they all go all of a sudden??
San Francisco, most likely.
Nothing like waking up to find out that the cover story in the local paper is about a program I'm running, and that nobody actually talked to me about...
Oh, my....
Happy Birthday, Laura!!
Oh, and apparently, I'm going to be a puppy-aunt. My sister has two dogs whom she caught going at it some weeks ago, and when she took the female into the vets on Monday, they x-rayed her and found out she's pregnant. I told her they should have fixed that dog months ago! They're going to try and sell all the puppies (they don't want more than the two they have), and Ergo is getting fixed ASAP after delivery.
juliana, not only does the bar have to be lit on fire, the bartender has to stick his hand in the fire. There's even a little speech.
I hope I'm right about Laura's birthday. Otherwise, I'm going to feel like a big ole idiot.
More puppies!
Yes, thank you Daisy! Yay birthdays! I was pampered yesterday by MIL & SIL with manicure & pedicure & dinner. Yay!
OMG how funny is that story about the news anchor with the poster of Ronon?
I want to see this on YouTube!
Yay! Happy birthday, Laura!!
juliana, not only does the bar have to be lit on fire, the bartender has to stick his hand in the fire. There's even a little speech.
Right. We shall have C, the Nashville redneck, do the honors.
"Let's go meet the pansies!"
Happy Birthday, Laura!
Happy Interview, ND!
You're going to blow them away. I can't wait to hear all about your day.