I've picked up two extra classes until such time as I should get an actual job, so today is more work for me than usual. In fact, it's like weekend...Saturdays I start at 11:30, Sundays at 10:30, and now Mondays at 10:15. It's during the week that I get to sleep in.
Happy birthday Beverly and Benno! And a marvellous anniversay to kat & lori!
The cubicle next to where I microwave my lunch has only two decorations:
1. A xerox of a bumper sticker reading, "I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make a difference anyway."
2. A xerox of a cartoon of a ravening dog giving the observer the finger, captioned, "I'm about to develop an attitude!"
Now, I can certainly appreciate the need for a little subversion at work - I surfe the fucking internet all day long, eh - but really, this just seems stupid.
Happy day Benno
and happy day to Kat and Lori!
I slept in, a lot!
I also woke up without much of a voice. I think my new mattress stole it.
It didn't try to cut out my heart afterwards though, so I'm still happy with it.
Yay for sleeping in and new, non-heart-stealing mattresses! I slept in, but it doesn't count, 'cause I didn't sleep until 6am. Combination of worrying about the SO and being stupid online.
Rachel Nicholls new role:
Nichols will play an employee of Pasadena's Jet Propulsion Laboratory who becomes involved in some way with an alien sleeper cell.