We turn our mattress all the time. It's past the point of no return, I think. And I'm not suggesting anyone else keep their mattress so long! We should have bought a new one years ago.
Britney is ... really kind of sad, I think. And I feel even worse for her kids.
Hey, has anyone seen Metafilter today?
They want me to pay $5 to see it.
so-called secular evolution science is the Big Bang 15-billion-year alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion
I don't remember a Pharisee check-box on the census form.
Go Lee, with your shop-fu! I wonder if I'll have time to shop monday (after working in 2 different theatres) while the sales are still on. It would probably help if I already knew what mattress I want. My current one is probably 20yrs old.
I don't remember a Pharisee check-box on the census form.
"Pharisee" is how some conspiracy nuts refer to rabbinic Judaism (i.e., pretty much the only form of Judaism existing today, except for the Karaites, but they're a teeny tiny population.)
My mom just got a new bed after selling the twin beds and mattresses my folks had SINCE THEY WERE MARRIED. 52 years. And they never liked the twin beds--my Grandmother gave them the bedroom set (which was incredibly expensive) as a wedding present and they felt obliged to keep them. New mattresses had been suggested many times, but it is impossible to get her to spend money on herself. One of my brothers finally gave her the new bed. Which, I may add, she loves.
Joss talks about his stint directing
The Office,
and about his love for the series: [link]
Too many of my lj friends are talking about eating ice cream. And now I want some.
Why do ice cream places NOT deliver?
Spam to my work e-mail:
Subject: Fox studio puts talk of "Borat" sequel on ice
We offer Genuine! products for mans directly from Pfizer.
Just go to: http:// www. provisionalballot.info
Prices without tax/vat. Worldwide shipping (free)!
Product aside, why would anyone want to do business with any company that has to disguise itself so much go get around filters and net-nannies?!
That said, "Genuine! products for mans" makes me laugh.
All the dogs in that Pedigree shelter dog ad have been adopted.
Why do ice cream places NOT deliver?
This is totally an untapped market idea! You could make millions!
Oh, no wait. They do have ice cream delivery. It's called Schwan's.
I am no help, because I have ice cream. I just went and got it for the SO, because, poor boy, he is sick. But I have no excuse for the ice cream I got for myself. (Ben & Jerry's Black & Tan). They didn't have the Stephen Colbert variety. I was v. v. disappointed.
hey didn't have the Stephen Colbert variety. I was v. v. disappointed.
I looked for some of this at the store today, but I had no luck, either. I did end up with Ben & Jerry's cookie dough cones, though. I've never had them, but they look tasty. I figured I deserved ice cream due to extreme illness.