Finding out I get an extra week of vacation and finishing work ahead in time to avoid working Saturday were good enough this week. But running into an old casual sex buddy on that free day after a long hiatus and finding out he's grown his chest hair out and trimmed down to the tune of 27 lbs. is just icing on the cake.
Also, getting some regularly may be the key to this diet, as I didn't realize until 3 o'clock that I hadn't yet eaten today...
Sex is better than food!
Overall. You know, unless we're comparing my last one-night stand to a good steak.
Speaking of which, I left the box of chocolates on top of the cable box. Now they're kinda melty. That was dumb. If I had some sex, I wouldn't care.
Hey, has anyone seen Metafilter today?
Yay Sex!
Yay melty chocolates!
Silly link - Whee!
Fun to read, Holli. Liked
Ok, now I love Ms. McKean.
Yes indeed, she is lovable.
And I believe that would be
standing up for us. Funny.
Traffic is horrible today. I don't know if it is the slightly narrower roads due to refroze Devil Slurpee, so many side roads still being impassable or what, but it was bad. And me, driving a strange car. It was a little more stressful than I would've like. Ah well, got some errands done. I now can do laundry this weekend.
It's goofy, I feel sort of compelled to drive because
I'm paying for it.
Which, really, I'm paying for the convenience of not being inconvenienced, but still. It's funny.
People. I think I'm cursed. I just went to turn on the lamp on my table and the switch is broken. Not "I just broke it." It's broken. No idea how that happened. It's off to Home Depot after dinner to get a new switch.
At least this I can fucking fix myself.
I was going to make a king cake this weekend to bring into the office, but I've been looking at some recipes and it seems more complicated than I feel like dealing with. (I did find one that had "1 can of cinnamon rolls" as the first ingrediant, but that's cheating.)
I think I am going to try to make Gumbo Z'Herbes, though. Just have no idea where to buy file around here.
I decided to make today bed buying day, and I totally kicked ass. I walked into Sleep train knowing how much the mattress I really really wanted but could only barely afford cost at Macy's, (and how much the acceptable substitute cost as well) (and having already blown off Sleep World as more expensive than Macy's and just really gross in general). The sales person showed me the equivalent mattress there, and I ended up getting 5% off the Macy's price, due to Sleep Train's best price policy, even though the Macy's price was 600 below Sleep Train's Blow out clearance price.
Plus, they are going to deliver it tomorrow.