Look at this way, bon bon -- now you'll have reason to romantically celebrate V-Day and Day After V-Day. So it's the gift that keeps on giving....
It was Bob's birthday yesterday, so we already celebrate! Thanks again, guys!
Also: unfortunately, hungover. a champagne cocktail and 1 1/2 margs should not be this painful.
Congratulations, bon bon! That was lovely news to read first thing this morning! Yay for you and Bob!
YAY bonBob! Congrats to you both.
Congrats, bon bon!!
ION, Coolest. Lamps. Ever.
So bon bon, do you have any more proposal details? What is your ring like? Have you told you families? Did you cry? Did Bob?
I love the delayed proposal story. Bob bob must have been so frustrated being stuck!
Congratulations to bon bon and fiance!
Congratulations, bon bon!
Shrift, how was your booze and SPN evening?
It was good. After I ran around doing errands like a crazy person, I flopped down to watch SPN, and then laughed so hard I cried, like, I had to get tissues. Then I had beer. It was awesome.
Pfft, I wish I had a 90 minute commute and a root.
Here, have some root and an hour and a half stuck sitting next to a fidgeter. It's on me.
Congrats to bon bon and bob bob!!