Apparently we're fine as long as we don't try to go to the grocery store.
Even if we do go, you won't even notice they're there! I sure didn't.
I mean, I know they sell drugs in the park, but what else are city parks for but to provide narcotics and illicit public sex?
I get bon's joke!
mr. flea did tell me, deadpan, when he picked me up after work on Monday, that he'd called the Indian place lady at lunch time just to chat. He didn't fool me, though.
I find if I keep reloading LJ will work for me.
Everything I touch today breaks.
Everything I touch today breaks.
Did you break South Korea, sara?
And a cup that has so much bling, it would make the Archbishop of Canterbury's dress look plain.
Pfft. Look at what kind of vice lords they are. That's the meeting you bring your bling
travel mug
ION, fuck, fuck, fuck.
t whiney rant deleted
Suffice it to say that four and a half months of cumulative sleep deprivation are playing hell with our finances, my competence at work, and my ability to function as an even passably adult human being. Long story short, deeply stupid sleep-dep and anxiety-caused mistakes on my part have probably cost us somewhere on the order of $2500 this week alone. (My monthly take-home is only $2700.) I desperately want takebacks on the entire year so far.
That's a lot of cab rides, JZ.
Oh JZ, I'm sorry. I promise that you're still an adult human being, and doing the best that you can under difficult circumstances.
{{{JZ}}} How much is Matilda sleeping at night now? I hope things get better soon.
Oh JZ, you poor dears.
That first year after Ben was born, our finances were horrific. We were living on our extended credit. By the time he was 1 and a half, we had not only adapted, but managed to buy a house. Things will get better. They will. I'm sorry they're so hard, right now.
Well, there was the one cab ride, the $300 in extra keys and security systems for the car after I locked Matilda inside it, the $1300 in additional repairs of leaky valves and bald tires the car turned out to also need when I brought it in for the keys, and whatever the bill will be for the 911 service call to open the car and rescue Matilda, because my AAA-like service is through my auto insurance rather than AAA and all the info, including the unlisted 800 number, was in my purse, which was also locked in the car, so it was 911 or nothing.
Also, I dropped my phone in the (full of soapy water) kitchen sink this morning, and left the breast pump in Matilda's stroller at her day care.