Ah, autumn! My favorite time of year - a day off at Hallowe'en, the crisp leaves, the smell of roasting marshmallows. Mmmm, that's a lot of roasting marshmallows. And, now I'm hungry.
Xander ,'Lessons'
Sang Sacré
The fictional Buffista City. With a variety of neighborhoods, climates, and an Evil Genius or two, Sang Sacre is where we'd all live if it were real. Jump in -- find a neighborhood, start a parade, become a superhero. It's what you make it.
First Entry
My chief minion has informed Aeshma that creating a blog will help Aeshma raise my profile as a villain, so that all will learn my name and only dare to whisper it in fear.
Today Aeshma have, no, has, purchased, no, um, taken by force, the supplies Aeshma need to put into effect tomorrow's evil plan. And what?
My minion tells Aeshma that Aeshma should use my backspace key when Aeshma makes a change instead of typing out what my change is. Fool, Aeshma needs no backspace key, Aeshma does not correct himself. Tomorrow Aeshma will consider getting a new chef, chief, minion.
What was Aeshma talking about? Tomorrow! Tomorrow, the city wiLL QUAKE IN FEAR AS MY EVIL PLAN IS FULFILLED.
Date: 10/13/09 From: wsparrow@vengencedemons.org To: mayor.aeshma@sangsacre.gov Subject: Great Blog!
It's great that you have started a blog. When you are ready to spiffy it up a bit, please consider including some music. Sing-along Blogs are so fashionable, and hey, even if you don't happen to be the best singer in this dimension, it can still inspire even more fear. cf. The Evil League of Evil, specifically Dr. Horrible.
P.S. If you are in the market for a new chef, I know a guy who knows a guy, so let me know.
Summoning Success
After reading Aeshma's first blog post, Aeshma has decided it will be easier to read if Aeshma refers to himself in first person. All will still learn to fear my name11
I have put my plans to make the city tremble in motion. While it may appear I have made a summoning mistake, my new minion says I should say fail instead of mistake to scare a younger demongraphic, While it may appear I have made a summoning fail, the horde of Unicorns I have summoned to roam the city is part of Aeshma's greater plan. Aeshma does not fail1 Aeshma planned to summon the Unicorns instead of a host of demons, rest assured, no not rest, tremble assured.
There is some discordant feedback emanating from the general direction of Dogtown. It turns out that big concrete structure where most of Grooveyard was living was not in fact concrete, but actually fondant. And the recent, err, Candyland detonation seems to have taken it out as well.
The gaggle of unicorns that's turned up randomly seem to like the taste of the rubble, though, so that's probably well sorted. And the band's back out of cryogenic storage again (all except the drummer who, it seems, was made entirely of candyfloss) although the instruments are a bit sticky. Oh, and the granite pedastals to bedrock for the monitors are still solid as anything. Guess that's where we'll rebuild.
We'll start with a small strawbale structure that will eventually be the control room for the new studio. But in the meanwhile, it'll house the band while they work out what they're doing next, figure out a genre. The autumn sun's rays filter softly through the ruin.
Ah, here it is. The trusty old sign. We prop it out front. Grooveyard's in the market for another drummer.
I put down the paper after reading about Unicorn problem, the sheer number of rainbows has been slowing down traffic. Even if his last plot didn't really work out, I can't shake the feeling that Aeshma is up to something.
"Hans," I say to my lab assistant, "I know what we're going to do today."
"What's that boss?"
"I have a plan to keep Aeshma under control. We'll recruit a secret agent, perhaps an Ocelot, give him an awesome secret agent hat and call him "Agent O". We give him some high tech equipment and have him hound Aeshma's every move."
"Uh..." Hans looks up at the ceiling briefly. "Are you sure that's an original idea?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
"Hello? Is anyone here?"
"Just me."
"Just you? What happened to everyone?"
"They all moved away."
"Everyone? But this is Sang Sacré! Why would anyone want to leave?"
"You know how it is. Real world issues. Family commitments. The economy. The housing bubble hit Sang Sacré pretty hard. One by one, they all left."
"And now it's just you?"
"Just me."
Sniff sniff. I came in here a few weeks ago, but I just couldn't think of anything, I'm sorry.
I come here from time to time, but I never comprehend.
Laga, did you ever go back and read the thread from the very start, preferably in one sitting? It's, well, I think it is Buffista Island, if it could actually inhabit the Buffyverse, with some other fantasy-verses bleeding through now and then.
ETA: There is even more backstory to it than I realized. I think I only read "origin" thread as linked in the header, then went to the start of this thread, but there is a zip file of previous threads. And re-reading the origin, is making me weep because we are still living scattered across the globe rather than close and snug together as we should be.