Yo, erinaceous!
I got the Slayer Slang book, finally! Post Office: better late than never.
Thank you!!!!
'Never Leave Me'
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Yo, erinaceous!
I got the Slayer Slang book, finally! Post Office: better late than never.
Thank you!!!!
Baltimore and DCistas! (And anyone else who feels like venturing out this way.)
I'm having a Boxing Day (well, day after B.D.) party at my place.
When: December 27th, starting at around 5pm and going to whenever. (Bad weather date--January 3).
Where: My messy, messy house, with a half-remodeled bathroom, a basement full of manga, and more unfinished craft projects than any one person should possess.
Please RSVP by Dec 26 at my profile addy.
Buffy S6 is available for preordering on Amazon. I'm'a order it tonight, so any Buffistas who would like to be Share The Loved may ping me at my profile addy before 5 today.
You'll never believe what we have in the auction.
Angel's leather jacket? Got two. Stuff peeled from Spike's bod? That too.
And a certain piece of bling bling that can close a Hellmouth and bring your non-corporeal arse to LA.
I'll be posting more stuff after the holidays.
We're moving!
Towards that effort, I'm going to take the site down tonight at 11pm board time. Peoplesforum is the refuge in the meanwhile.
If everything goes well, the domain switchover should take a day or two to come into effect, and we'll be up at the new host before Monday.
Mailing list admins! Please make a copy of your list members -- mailing list functionality may not be up right away, or in the same way, but we'll get that as soon as possible.
If you have a subdomain, please make a copy of it also. I'll be migrating the whole thing, but every little bit of backup helps.
(And if you're having issues with Peoplesforum, try PFisDown and click on links there...)
And don't forget to bookmark the PF IP-addressy-URL now, because you won't have access to the posts above once this board goes down!
Actually, you will, since there'll be a "sorry" page up.
But bookmarking is good.
And this isn't natter. It's vital information.
The switchover has happened. Hopefully you should notice nothing, other than filk.buffistas.org being down, and that's being worked on.
If you DO notice things, please report them in Buffistas Building A Better Board. If your error has already been noted there, no need to repost the whole thing.
Thanks for your gentleness, and goodnight.
If you felt the 11:15 quake and want to tell the US Geological Service about your experience, you can do it here: