Okily dokily.
The board comes down sometimes early Sunday, October 19th for some gentle rest, and maybe even some spanking, to see if we can break the back of this connections thing. Just for the day.
So, Sunday, Buffistas go here: Peoplesforum.
The link will be on the "down for debugging" notice up tomorrow also.
Looks like Fox is again on the warpath.
Whedonesque posted a link to this site, who apparently received a C&D.
So, be sure that those of you that may have screencaps, scripts, spoilers, blah bitty blah blah, keep a low profile or take it underground, or, you know, legal up.
(hoping this doesn't crash)
For all those planning to attend the San Francisco doings at Halloween:
I need your emails.
I'm sending out info, offers, itineraries for what's happening when and where, plus finalising, and I can't really hook anything up until I know everyone to ping.
So, email addresses needed for:
Java Cat, Katerina B, Karl, Hec, JZ, Consuela
I have email addys that I know are correct for
Betsy, Andrea L, Perkins, Sean, NoiseDesign, Plei, juliana, teppy
If I have forgotten anyone - let me know, please.
Info to sf_deb@yahoo.com
Okay the pictures from the East Coast are now up.
X-post from natter for those interested in the pictures.
I have come into posession of a copy of the BtVS gag reel tape that was shown at the wrap party. I have watched it, and would like to pass it on to other worthy Buffistae.
So for now, people who want it should email me (along w/ snail mail addresses), and I'll post a list somewhere to keep track of who should get it next. (And send the list out w/ the tape, etc etc.)
[It occured to me that I could keep the names-only list here, in this very post. So here goes:
- DXMachina
- Plei
- Sean
- ita
- DebetEsse
- Aurelia
- Sue (who will share amongst the Haligonians)
- beth b
- Susan W
- JohnSweden
- CaBil
- Katefate
- Raquel
- Lisah
- EpicTangent
- ChiKat
- Smonster
- Katerina B
- Liese
- Matt
- Katie
- Susan C
I need to take the board down, for quick troubleshooting -- fifteen minutes, at 9:30pm board time, today.
I'll be gentle.
Jess, could we have a New Yorker viewing before you ship it off? I'd be happy to host.
People on the tape list who did not include their address:
DebetEsse, Katefate, Raquel, Lisah, Liese
Please email me when you get a chance.
We are discussing changing our hosting plan in BBaBB. It is likely that the cost of running this board will increase significantly. The discussion starts here:
Kristen "Buffistas Building a Better Board" Oct 22, 2003 5:58:03 pm PDT