Many of the 8 gagilliion universities in Boston are staging a walk-out this afternoon. They'll be walking from Harvard to MIT down Massachusetts Ave starting at 2:30. After reaching MIT, the group will leave at 3:30 to continue over the bridge into Boston and head for Copley Square, joining with groups from BU, Northeastern, and other schools there.
Simon ,'Objects In Space'
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Hi, Jen!
Students walked out at U-Texas at noon today. There a rally on the Capital Lawn at 4:30 followed by a march down Congress Avenue across the bridge and into South Austin.
This week's Angel is being repeated on Sunday.
I am voting announcement girl!
There is one more proposal to get procedure ironed out.
Discussion: NOW - 3/24/03 11:59 pm EST Voting: 3/25/03 12 am EST - 3/28/03 12:00 am EST
When we first started this whole voting thing, our ultimate goal was to be able to close discussions and not have them over and over and over and over....
After a proposal, discussion and vote, further discussion on this matter should be closed for:
3 months 6 months 1 year
In discussion, I would like to narrow this to 2 choices so we need not get into trying to decide how to vote.
Proposer Sophia Brooks Seconds Anne, Sean K, brenda M. ,Deena , Jessica
Please visit this thread to discuss:
bitterchick "Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!" Mar 20, 2003 6:55:52 pm EST
Thank you!
Twin Cities Buffistas:
Finally! The Buffy Pilot Viewing Party has been scheduled!
Saturday, April 5th, at my apartment. 6:00 start, with the tape beginning at 7:00 p.m. I'll be providing food and non-alcoholic type drinks, but please feel free to bring whatever booze you prefer to consume. Or not. I'm easy.
E-mail me at for address and directions. I hope everyone can make it!
P.S. We do have two cats, but I keep the place mostly fur-free.
I forgot to add this:
There's a miniF2F with NoiseDesign scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday) at Bar Abeline in Uptown at 6:30 p.m. Let me know at my profile addy if you need directions
Pinwiz IS The Jury, Harry, and Dancing Boy #829 IN Chicago!
March 28-April 13. Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm. Sundays at 2 pm.
3000 Glenview Rd, Wilmette, IL
I-94 to Exit 35 (Old Orchard Rd), East until Skokie Blvd, North until Glenview Rd.
Or exit 35 on I-94, Right for three lights, Left for two lights.
Call 847-256-9787 for tickets.
(Let me know if and when you are seeing the show. I'd love to say "Hi!")
Attention Buffistas!
As many of you know, Charisma Carpenter is pregnant with her first child, due any day now. In honor of the new mother and baby, we would like to make a gift to Heifer International, an organization that "combats hunger, alleviates poverty, and restores the environment by providing appropriate livestock, training, and related services to small-scale farmers worldwide."
Heifer allows donors to select from a gift catalog of various types of farm animal. I thought it would be nice if we get one or more of the milk animals:
A goat, for $120
A water buffalo, for $250
A heifer, for $500, or
A milk menagerie (two goats, a buffalo, and a heifer), for $1000
If you would like to contribute, please send your donation to me,, via PayPal no later than midnight board time on Saturday, April 5. (Please also email me directly and let me know you've given--I'm paranoid and want to have a way to cross-check.) If you prefer not to use PayPal, email me and I will give you my address for snail-mailing a check. I will then make the donation and make sure CC gets an honor card with the love and best wishes of the Buffistas.
(Since I've never tried to contact a celebrity type before, could someone who knows how to get a card to CC email me and let me know? I'm assuming the protocol would be to send it care of her agent or the studio, but I don't have that info.)
x-posted to the Angel thread
Attention Buffistas!
To commemorate the series finale of BtVS, and to thank Joss and everyone else associated with the show for seven years of often-brilliant storytelling, we want to "pass on the story" by giving the gift of books and/or literacy. Instead of giving to a single organization or project, the idea is to pick something local and/or that resonates with you and give them a donation of money, time, or books. Email me by Saturday, April 19, at and tell me what you've given and to whom. I will keep a running tally and send a card to Joss thanking him and telling him that the Buffistas have donated or pledged X amount of dollars, Y amount of books, and Z amount of volunteer time toward giving people more access to the wonder of a good story.
Some suggestions for where you can give:
- Your local public library. Many libraries have been hit hard by the economic downturn and need more help than ever from their local communities to maintain their collections and services. In most cases, you can donate money, time, or books (which may be added to their collection or sold to raise money for the library). Talk to your local librarian or check your library website.
- If you're planning to donate books, call a local hospital, nursing home, homeless shelter, etc. and see if they keep a library for the people they serve.
- Volunteer tutoring time with a school, nonprofit, or religious organization near you.
And, a few national/international organizations. With the exception of Operation Paperback, all of these allow you to donate online:
First Book gives children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first books.
Libraries for the Future "mobilizes private and public support for libraries, schools, and community partners to achieve equal access to the information and knowledge essential for a democratic society."
Literacy Volunteers of America" promotes adult literacy. It looks like they offer plenty of volunteer opportunities, too.
Operation Paperback is a grassroots organization sending paperbacks to American troops deployed overseas. I give to them because I feel like I'm putting my money where my mouth is on my anti-Bush foreign policy but supportive of troops stance. Warning--the website triggers a flock of pop-up ads.
Reading is Fundamental provides books and literacy resources to children and families.
(As with the CC thing, if anyone has a good address for sending the card to Joss, please email me.)
For anyone in the Chicago area, my next show (I'm the lighting designer) is opening soon. Here's the info.
The Bubbly Black Girl Sheds Her Chameleon Skin
Apple Tree Theatre
595 Elm Place
Highland Park, IL (for ticket info, times and show description)
Box Office: (847) 432-4335
Dates: April 7 - May 4, with previews starting April 2
Contact me at my profile addy if you think you might come to a preview or opening. Chances are, I won't be at the other performances.