Last ARC Giveaway [link]
'Not Fade Away'
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Would love 'ffista feedback on my new song I'm pitching tonight. Here's your special private link, obviously please don't share. [link]
It's based on the japanese concept of kintsugi, mending broken pottery with gold.
Want to buy a book? Want to buy an AWESOME book? Want to buy an awesome book by Mr. Scrappy? Well, here's your chance! Yes, my guy has written a book and it is about to come out. We are very excited. You can find out about it and order it here: [link] You can also get it on Amazon, but we get more $$$ if you buy it this way rather than from the publisher.
If you use LastPass, it was hacked and you should change your master password: [link]
I have a new short story up at The Book Smugglers, "The Merger"! It is my favorite story, one that feels the most "me."
You can also buy it as an ebook: you get an exclusive Q&A and deleted scenes, and I get royalties! Everybody wins!
OK, I've been talking about my book on Greece and energy/climate policy that helps fight austerity. It is now available. Free e-book "No Hair Shirts Energy & Climate Policy for Greece". A4, the size most of the world does home and office printing at: [link] . Letter - the size North America does most home/office printing at: [link]
Very early in the book I discuss policies that could provide partial immediate relief from the pain of austerity. They are not magic or anything. Full relief requires comprehensive policy, not just policy in energy and climate. But anything that help immediately, even if the relief is partial, is worthwhile in Greece at this time.
Goodreads Giveaway over yonder... [link]
Hey, my employer is having a "Christmas in July" friends and family online event. See my profile for url and Promo Code :)
Also, my sample sale is coming up, so if you want me to look for a single item for super cheap, let me know. No guarantees, we never know what will be on offer, but the deals are amazing.
Whedon-inspired improv show next Tuesday, 7/14, in Chapel Hill, NC. (for my & Zenkitty's birthday!) Should also have a streaming link eventually & will share that, too.