Note - the original post had a wrong link. This is the new link for the F2F 2009 poll: [link]
See what happens when you (don't) drink and internet?
'Objects In Space'
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Note - the original post had a wrong link. This is the new link for the F2F 2009 poll: [link]
See what happens when you (don't) drink and internet?
Gotten your secret Santa giftee and have no clue what to give? Worried that your secret Santa gifter will have no clue what to get you? Fill out the form below, paste it into an email, and send it to deena @ if you haven't before or want to update what you have; send a request for info to the same email address if you would like to know if I have someone in the super secret database of Buffista likes and dislikes.Of course no one is required to fill it out or to answer any question he or she doesn't want to answer.
Remember, the super secret database is good for all gift-giving occasions. And, if you've sent a request for info recently and haven't received a response, please send again. My spam filter has been a little overzealous recently.
The questions:
Buffista name:
Real name:
E-mail address:
Mailing address:
LJ name, AIM or other messenger name, chat type contact info:
Telephone number if you want it included:
Top 10 under 10 pick-me-up list (In case you need a smile, what would make you happiest? Postcards; a new pen, refrigerator magnets, a keychain?...)
Birthday (no need to include year if you’d rather not):
Anniversary and type (buffistaversary, marriage, moved in together, coming out, conversion to X):
Name(s) of significant other(s), if applicable:
Name(s) and ages of child(ren), if applicable:
Pet name(s) and type, if applicable:
Name of roommate(s), if applicable:
Holiday system and favorite holiday:
Allergies or sensitivities:
Favorite kind of chocolate or other sweet treat:
Favorite alcoholic beverage:
Favorite non-alcoholic beverage:
Tea or coffee and favorite flavor/kind:
Favorite fruit:
Favorite food:
Favorite scent(s) or scent family:
Favorite flower or plant:
Favorite color:
bath or shower:
Favorite animal:
totem animal(s):
Passion or collection (music, leather, utilikilts, wonder woman?):
Favorite comic book, cartoon or similar character:
Favorite metal:
Favorite stone (river rock, fire opal, diamond):
Mac or PC:
Favorite website(s) (after
Wish-list URL:
Something every Buffista should know about me:
You can/can't share this with any Buffista who asks (posters under 500, regular posters, only posters whose name starts with ‘B’, ask me first):
Short notice: Anyone up for a Watch and Post of the Serenity movie Friday night, maybe 7:30 Board time?
Come into the Firefly thread and post your opinions.
Note: this is a big movie, we can have another one or two on another day...
I'm heading to DC next week for copyright meetings. I thought I was going to have no spare time, but it looks like I might, so if anyone wants to get together, let me know. It looks like I'll have the morning and early afternoon of 12/10, afternoon and evening of 12/12, and possibly one other evening, available.
I thought I was staying at Jurys Washington Hotel, but when I went to look up the address online, I discovered that they're closed for remodeling. Lovely of them not to have mentioned that to me, despite my confirmed reservation. Anyhoo, our travel office is currently trying to reserve me a new room. Once again, Buffistas have saved the day, as I probably wouldn't have checked the website if I weren't posting here. Thank you!
I have email and cell phone in my profile. X-posty with Face to Face.
I have an article in the 2008 Oxford American music issue, which should hit newsstands next week. Instead of the traditional single-CD, this one has a double.
BTW, I am being horrible with my carbon footprint and sending out Christmas Cards. I would love to send them to those that I squee with over Supernatural. Hell, I'd love to send them to anyone that wants one. :) My profile email addy is good if you would like one.
Ima xpost
Slacker Secret Santas: Yeah, you're slackers, hence the name and all, but still - this is the one time not to slack, if you wanna be there in time in order to play this year. There are only a couple of days left!
Please send me your user name and snail-mail full details by December 10th, so that I can match you up.
Appeal to the Hive Mind, Near and Far
One of my cousin's has just finished her first year teaching middle school music and sent me the below. I told her I had no idea, but I'd ask my invisible friends. If anyone has any ideas or isights into the programs she mentions, please let me know. Thanks!
I have been trying to come up with some game plan for the summer. I have the option of returning to Camp ________ for the third summer and working from the day I'm out of school (literally) through the 2nd week of August with people I adore, working in ___________ for a month with other music teachers (not really what I want to do but more $), or finding some other job like waitressing or...scooping ice cream. The more I throw around these ideas the more I realize I really want to do something completely different... volunteer work of some sort. So I started looking online for some options and I am seriously considering working for Project Abroad, Teach America, or Starfish and either teaching English to young children, working in child care, or community outreach programs. I really need to do a lot more research but I was wondering if any of you knew anything about any of these programs/other programs, or maybe people who have done them? I could use any suggestions or advice you may have. I know some of you know people (or are people) who have done this and hated it...thats why I'm reaching out. I really think this is something I want to do and i'd appreciate any help you can give me!
For those what might be interested, in my semi-regular column over at Romancing the Blog, I wrote about Mad Men and why it works for me.
If you'd like to check it out, it's here: [link]
You don't have to be registered to comment or anything.
The stompies have created the new year end thread, so...
Announcing the Birth of the Year End Thread.
"Goodbye and Good Riddance 2008: "...and the horse you rode in on.""