You can now order Lea's book, The Constant Velocity of Trains, and pre-order my book, City of Insomnia, from the Write Bloody Publishing Web site!
Soon, you'll be able to buy (or at least order) them wherever you buy books, but with small presses it's always better to order direct from the publisher or author.
Parts of the San Diego Comic Con schedule have gone up. So far they are up to Friday...
Friday 1:30-2:30 Joss Whedon— Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and the writers and cast of his new short film, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, will show never-before-seen clips while Joss also discusses Buffy Season Eight, the Fray crossover, and the upcoming Serenity comic focusing on Shepherd Book. Ballroom 20
Eureka - musical promo!
It's airing tonight "near the beginning" of Scare Tactics.
This past year I spent a week and a half volunteering in New Orleans with an event called Historic Green, an intersection of historic preservation and environmental issues in the New Orleans Holy Cross Neighborhood.
. You can read about our achievements here.
I'm on the planning committee for HG 2009 and our pro bono web person has not been able to get things posted on the schedule that we need. Is there anyone out there who might be able/interested? I don't have many details except that we would create the content, just need help getting it posted. IIRC, the site is in PHP.
If you might like to help out or know someone, please email me at my profile addy. Thanks.
My latest post at Grist is up:
Scenarios for a low carbon, no-nuke future: Renewables and efficiency would provide more GDP than fossil fuels.
The post is essentially a for a long spreadsheet - which it links to. I'm sure publishing a spreadsheet will help build a popular audience.
For those interested parties, select Criterion Collection DVDs are on sale buy one get one free at DeepDiscountDVD through 7/29.
x-posted with Movies
For interested parties Tor is giving away e-versions of a bunch of its novels. [link]
These include books by: John Scalz,Robert Charles Wilson,Jo Walton, Mercedies Lackey & James Mallory,Tobias Buckell,David Drake,Jane Lindskold, Harry Turtledove,S.C. Butler,Karl Schroeder, Cherie Priest,Kate Elliot, Peter Watts,C.T. Adams & Cathy Clamp,Daniel Abraham, John Wright, and Kage Baker. Plus a bunch of cover art as well. Apparently they gave them away one at a time, and are making everything available for a week, after which they charge.
Joss Whedon is doing somesort of online interview at the Washington Post today at Noon Eastern.
Just in case anyone was looking for a cute summer dress, there's one for sale over in my LJ
The easiest possible way to support a cool project: Click over to the American Express Members Project, and nominate this one: [link] You don't have to have an AmEx card, but you do have to register.