Attention Boston-area writer-types -
I came across this and thought it might be of interest (please note that I have no vested interest here, just hopeful that I could get some good TV coverage in my area!):
Cape Cod Times Seeks TV Columnist
The Cape Cod Times is seeking a freelance TV columnist to help enhance its television coverage. The column will feature reviews of shows and TV news tidbits with a local slant. Applicants should be experienced journalists with strong clips that reveal a lively writing style and solid reporting skills. Please send letter, resume and at least
five clips to:
Tim Miller
Cape Cod Times
319 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Mead Johnson Nutritionals Has Recalled EnfaCareĀ® LIPILĀ® Infant
Cindy, I can't access your link. Do you have any other information on this recall?
wolfram - I don't have any more information. The link worked when I posted it, but I can't access it either right now. I still have the original email, and tried to get to the article through the link in it, as well. I can't seem to get to anything at the Safety Alerts site right now. I'll try a few times today. If I get it, I'll reprint the article in full, in this space. I didn't read the article as my children aren't on formula (they're not infants).
edited to add from the files of that explains a lot...
I just received this email from the Safety Alerts site:
Our website may have been unavailable to you over the past 36 hours. Although our site is working perfectly, there has been a severe outage of the naming server (DNS) which tells your browser where our web site is located. Because of this DNS outage you may not be able to access for the next few hours. In the meantime, you can use the direct IP address:
to open the Home Page and continue from there.
I suggest trying that to find more on the Baby Formula Recall. Good luck.
Next Monday, 20 January, at 8PM EST, the CBC Radio program Ideas will be presenting an hour-long radio doc about Buffy as a cultural icon. It should be interesting. It's generally a fairly serious show, so I'm wouldn't be surprised if it focuses on academic interest in the Buffyverse. CBC should be available online, and you can check for different feeds depending on your time zone. Unfortunately they do not archive all their programs.
Here's the blurb on their site:
She slays vampires. She tosses demons into kingdom come. California valley girl or feminist icon? IDEAS producer Mary O'Connell explores why Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a pop culture phenomenon.
Links to different internet feeds across can be found here.
For Somervillains, Arisia is this weekend at the Park Plaza Hotel in Back Bay, Boston. It sounds like it will have plenty of media-themed panel discussions, including "Angel and the Disfunctional Family", "Buffy After Buffy", and "LotR Midterm Report". I'll be going at least for part of it, if only to catch up with some friends I don't see otherwise....
My "New England Poetry" column has returned to First installment features a "Save Firefly" shout out!
EDIT: This link should work: [link]
For Chicago-area Buffistas:
Checking it says that Angel is due to be repeated on Saturday, Jan. 18th at 8 p.m. (on WGN).
I have NO IDEA why this should be - - but just in case you missed it, you've got another chance.