I am proud to announce that I am an Uncle! Maybe it doesn't look like much from the text but imagine I'm saying it with jumping and arm-wavetude and shooting off a duel flare guns. He was born yesterday morning, is healthy as an ox and is the first addition to the immediate and extended family in 25 years. Wootah.
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
The second issue of Membra Disjecta is up! We have flash fiction from Typo Boy and Miracleman, an ass-kicking story from Erika, and a sad one from Deb. There's also a lot of other fiction, as well as some poetry and art. I hope you'll come take a look.
(Edited for errors and again for even more errors.)
I seem to recall there are other Buffistas interested in genealogy. Ancestry.com is offering for free the Lite version of their 2008 Family Tree Maker, for a limited time.
I'm not sure I like it as well as my 2001 vintage FTM v9.0, or even PAF, but it's free, so I'm trying it out for a while. [link]
Just a reminder, the F2F is fast approaching and money is barely trickling in. The cost of prom and the hospitality suite comes to $1500 thereabouts (taxes, all sorts of wierd numbers, yeah?) I've gotten a grand total of $140.00 (minus PayPal fees) in donations so far. For those who feel compelled to facilitate our debauchery fun and games, I am accepting donations through PayPal. Send your last penny two cents worth to: dinky40 at charter dot net. Thanks, all!
Okay, JenP got in there before I made the announcement, and I used Fay and Bon to test, but if you look on your set profile page you'll see a "Location" has been added. If you fill that out to your degree of confidence (it will take street level addresses in the US, as well as just country names) we can populate a very Buffista map. Have at it.
Alrighty then. Buffistas.org 1.5 goes up tomorrow, all willing. I'm going to take the site offline at 10pm board time (10pm PDT), for no more than an hour.
If you want to see what b.org will look like after that, you can go over to css.buffistas.net and poke around there--it's the new code, pointing to this same data.
(deleted - wrong thread)
F2F update:
The fund is currently up to $374.91. We're about a quarter of the way there, folks. For those who would like to donate through PayPal, the e-mail for my account is: dinky40 at charter dot net. If you would like to send a personal check, fire me off an e-mail and I'll send you a snail mail address to send it to.
Thanks a bunch to all of you and keep the iTunes funds coming.