Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Allyson has made a proposal that we, as a board, support [link] in support of the WGA strike. You can read that proposal here:
Allyson "Bureaucracy 4: Like Job. No, really, just like Job" Nov 9, 2007 11:22:49 am PST
We are currently discussing whether or not this needs to go to a vote in Bureaucracy.
Dana has suggested a compromise here: Dana "Bureaucracy 4: Like Job. No, really, just like Job" Nov 9, 2007 11:37:17 am PST
Aurelia has suggested another here: aurelia "Bureaucracy 4: Like Job. No, really, just like Job" Nov 9, 2007 11:52:22 am PST
Several others have suggested just putting it to a regular vote. Jon B. "Bureaucracy 4: Like Job. No, really, just like Job" Nov 9, 2007 12:04:30 pm PST
Please visit Bureaucracy if you have an opinion.
F2F Jumpstart...
So I just watched Jessica's "Fucking Great" vid from the SF F2F the year before last and got all nostalgic. Since there aren't any current mini-F2Fs being discussed in thread, just thought I'd throw out a lure to see if anyone's ready to get back into planning mode for the annual F2F...if we want to have one in the Midwest this spring, we need to figure out the details soon to get a good deal on the hotel/Prom. We need to be booked before the New Year if at all possible.
Let the pimping resume?
I will be in SF this coming weekend. Saturday looks to be completely booked with a day trip, but I will be free all day Sunday. I am very open to plans of various sorts.
We're having a chat at Drollerie Press. It's ostensibly about our new releases, but we just like to hang out in the chat room and have fun.
eta: Chat is over and Theo, Scrappy, Zenkitty, and Anne all won something, only now I can't find e-mail addresses. E-mail me please?
All the Buffista Secret Santa notices have now been sent out. If you didn't get one, or if there are any other problems, email me.
I have an unopened box containing
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
(thank you amazon for taking so long) that I'd be happy to send to anyone for cost of shipping.
Profile addy good
eta: book claimed!
I have $700 even in the WGA strikers goodie bags fund.
Polgara and I are going to deliver on Friday morning.
Jesse is delivering to WGA East New Yorkers, I'm sending her a check from the fund for handwarmers and such.
Leftover funds are likely going to be donated to a fund dedicated to helping out crew folk who have lost their jobs due to the strike.
I'm taking donations until Thursday, noon, at my paypal:
Hear Ye Hear Ye
Voting is now open for the following proposal:
Add an icon to our header, replacing the random quote generator, supporting the WGA Strike.
The discussion for this proposal starts here.
Voting closes Friday, November 16, at Noon (PDT).
questions should be posted in Bureaucracy)
Allyson and I dropped off the Survival Kits to the WGA strikers at FOX Studios this morning.
Pictures here