1 Logitech MX700 wireless optical mouse, free to a good home (postage appreciated). Works perfectly. Rechargeable base station = no need for batteries! (Seriously, I love this mouse. The only reason I'm getting rid of it is it's a PITA to have 2 base stations on my desk, so I'm switching to the mouse that came with my Microsoft Optical Desktop.) Profile address is good.
[eta: Mouse has been claimed]
More free stuff -- I have an extra 4-way A/V selector switch from Radio Shack if anyone wants it. (The closest thing I can find online is this -- mine's a little older, and doesn't have S-video output, only composite.)
From BoingBoing:
At Cryptomundo, Loren Coleman reports that MTV is seeking hosts for a new cryptozoology show. THe following is from the casting call, titled "Do you love Monsters?" (Follow the link for all of the details, and Loren's suggestion for a host.)
We are looking for two young Crypto enthusiasts, 18 and older, to host an upcoming fun, hip, and off the wall series that looks inside the world of cryptozoology, creatures, legends, and the people who investigate them. The hosts should be really into cryptozoology, and have an interest or even borderline obsession with undiscovered creatures, mythical beasts, and unclassified species. You should have a unique personality and be comfortable in front of a camera.
If you are interested, MTV wants you to send them an email at crypto@mtvstaff.com and provide the following information:
Name and contact information.
Why you would be the right person to host our show.
Why you love MONSTERS.
Why you believe or disbelieve in their existence.
How you got interested in cryptozoology.
What your favorite cryptid is and why?
What, if any, monster hunts you’ve been on and what adventures you had.
Some background on who you are.
Xposted from Buffistatechnology, as a general courtesy to Buffistas who don't frequent the thread:
From Slashdot: [link]
Microsoft Anti-Spyware Removes Norton Anti-Virus
An anonymous reader writes "According to a story over at Washingtonpost.com, the latest definitions file for Microsoft's Anti-Spyware beta flags Symantec's Norton Antivirus products as a password-stealing trojan and prompts users to delete portions of the program. Users who follow the instructions hose their installation of Norton, requiring delicate Windows registry edits and a complete removal/reinstall of Norton. Microsoft's support forum is quickly filling up with complaints about this problem, many from businesses that have been pretty hard hit. This should be a cautionary tale about deploying beta products in production environments."
If any Buffistas know chefs, or are acquainted with culinary schools, I'd really appreciate some guidance, as I'm thinking strongly about applying for the fall. Email at sathinks at gmail.com would be much adored.
Cookbooks are ready to ship. If you ordered one (or more), you should have received an e-mail saying they are shipping tomorrow. If you did not receive that e-mail, could you please e-mail me at buffistascookbook at gmail dot com? That way I can figure out if something went wrong and get it fixed right away.
I put up some pictures of Guatemala; this is only a handful of them, but at least I can prove I was there!
Cookbooks shipped yesterday. Sorry they did not go out on Monday as planned, but my asthma was kicking my butt, and I was to take it easy for a few days, per doctor's orders. Plus, the snow storm made it difficult to take out the OLC (old lady cart) filled with packages. So, they went out yesterday.
They were shipped media mail, so those of you on the East Coast should get them rather quickly...those of you on the West Coast may not see them for about a week. Those of you in Alaska, well, I chipped in a bit to send it priority so it wouldn't take five weeks :).
Enjoy! And please post as you get the cookbooks. We would love to know how you like them.
First off, an ENORMOUS THANKS to all of the people who have contributed to keeping Buffistas up and running. It has been a while, thanks to the financial generosity of many of you, but looking at our bank balance, we'll need some cash over the summer. So, no rush, but I believe in planning ahead. If you feel so moved, you can paypal to donations(at)buffistas(dot)org, or email that same address if you want to mail a check, and I'll give you the details.
BayAREA women - need a bra fitting? Nordstroms is haveing one on March 4th. Wacoal is is donating 2$ for every fitting to breast cancer research - no matter if you buy anything or not. Nordstroms is matching it . Plus there are a number of bra manufacturers that are donating 2$ for every bra they sell
phone for appointments
415.243.8500 ext.1240