DCistas! They Might Be Giants and Fountains of Wayne are playing tomorrow night in front of the National Gallery. Check out liveonpenn.com for the specifics, and e me at my profile addy if you're going.
'Same Time, Same Place'
Sunnydale Press
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
I am, as the Empress calls it, devideoing myself.
Does anyone want any of these VHS tapes, for the price of postage:
Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh version)
The Playboys
Sense and Sensibility (Thompson/Grant version)
My Best Friend's wedding
The Philadelphia Story
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Dangerous Liasons
Four Weddings and a funeral
Lawrence of Arabia
Jurassic Park
Shakespeare in Love
The Commitments
What's Love got to do with it
West Side Story
The Many adventures of Winne the Pooh
Profile address is good
Update your virus definitions as soon as the update for your Anti-Virus software is available, people...
Mydoom Virus Spreads Rapidly in E-Mail, Symantec Says (Update1)
July 26 (Bloomberg) -- A variant of the Mydoom computer virus that infected 300,000 computers in February is spreading rapidly through e-mail, said researchers at Symantec Corp., the largest maker of anti-virus software.
The virus may be affecting Google Inc.'s Web site, searchenginejournal.com said. The virus is hidden in an e-mail that arrives disguised as an error message at a user's desktop. Opening an attachment spreads the virus via e-mail to others.
This virus affects only Winodows computers.
A point which may be of interest to people here, which I didn't know about until today:
If you intend/want to contribute money to the Kerry campaign, tomorrow (Thursday, July 29) is the cutoff date. Campaign finance laws regulate candidates who are accepting public funds. After the cutoff date, he can't accept any money.
After that date, you can, of course, contribute to political organizations (the DNC, MoveOn, etc.), but not candidates.
DC-ista, Virginia-istas, and anyone who is moving to Northern Virginia: Since I'm moving to Greece in 6 weeks, my townhouse will be up for rent as of September 20. It's a nice place, quiet neighborhood, good access to things like Rt. 66 and the metro, and I'd love to find a renter who was okay with the not-white walls in the living and dining rooms.
If you're interested, or know someone who is, please drop me a note at my profile addy.
There are 2 weeks left to register for the the Browncoat Ball, which will be held in Chicago, Sept. 17-19!
On Friday, Sept. 17
- immerse yourself in the culture of the Far East at the Sihnon
- enjoy Firefly fun with your favorite Browncoats in the Award-
- kick the festivities into high gear (but not the engine) at
And on Saturday, Sept. 18
- see Chicago Old-West style on a chartered train during the Wild
- spend an afternoon exploring the Core city of Chicago, which gives
- experience how East Meets West at the Browncoat Ball, while
Complete information can be found at the official Web site [link]
To register, go to [link]
If you have any questions, send us an e-mail at info at browncoatball dot com
We'd love to see you there!
If you contributed to the Nilly Fund, you should have received an email from me.
There were two people who sent a check, and a money order, respectively, but I have no email addie for you. If this means you, please drop me an e at Allyson000 at aol dot com.
Erinaceous, your email bounced.
If I don't hear from you that have received emails, I will assume all is well.
I will be sending individual emails with your transaction IDs, but not tonight, for I am so very sleepy.
Everyone that asked for an itinerary shall have one.
This is a good year for Perseids, for two reasons, explains Bill Cooke of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. First, the Moon is new in mid-August; moonlight won't spoil the show. Second, in addition to the usual shower on August 12th, there might be an extra surge of meteors on August 11th caused by a filament of dust newly drifting across Earth's orbit. ... If predictions are correct, Earth will plow through the filament on Wednesday, August 11th at 2100 UT (5 p.m. EDT). This will produce a surge of mostly-faint meteors over Europe and Asia. Observers might see "as many as 200 meteors per hour," says Cooke, who recommends getting away from city lights to watch the flurry. ... Later that night, observers in North America can see the "traditional Perseid peak" caused by the older dust from Swift-Tuttle. "Expect 40 to 60 meteors per hour, some of them bright," says Cooke.
Happy viewing! (Try to not have a major black-out this year, East Coast)
Today in history:
1944 - IBM dedicated the first program-controlled calculator, the Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (known best as the Harvard Mark I).