Made clips from Marsters buzzcut on Seacrest's show today. There are two in .wmv format. (alt download link)
Get her words out. (audio clips of a certain chameleon from WF) I know some might want.
Having a party? Organizing a local F2F? Know something that we all really need to know? Announce it! Want to discuss anything posted here? Take it to Natter. Any natter here will be deleted.
Made clips from Marsters buzzcut on Seacrest's show today. There are two in .wmv format. (alt download link)
Get her words out. (audio clips of a certain chameleon from WF) I know some might want.
Angel episodes 420 - "Sacrifice" and 421 - "Peace Out" now up in HTML. (Please follow the directions on the site for password information.)
Some season five eps up next.
Tomorrow is Free Cone Day at Ben and Jerry's
Apparently, it's Free Ice Cream Week.
Wednesday, April 28th, is Free Scoop Night at Baskin-Robbins. Stop in from 6-10 PM for your free scoop.
Just making sure the most possible people see this:
Hey there! Anyone in the Boston, or Massachusetts in general area, that wants to go to the Sox game tomorrow night, I have one spare ticket and am having trouble finding someone that can go so it doesn't go to waste. It's RF grandstand, section 1. There is a slight obstruction due to a pole that is at the front of the grandstand area(seats are 7 rows back, so it's slightly annoying). If you are interested, please contact my profile addy. First person to claim it, gets it.
Someone did reccommend that I also mention this is a free ticket. Only thing you pay for is getting yourself into Boston and whatever food/beverage/souvenirs you want.
Unaired episode of Wonderfalls up in HTML: "Cocktail Bunny" (aka "Brass Monkey"). Spoilers.
Angel episode 514 - "Smile Time" is now up in HTML. (Please follow the directions on the site for password information.)
A shooting script of "Lineage" signed by Drew Goddard is being auctioned off by me on EBay here. Drew gave me the script with the understanding that I would auction it off and use the proceeds to help pay for running (if I get much more than I need to run the site for the next two or three years I will put some of the overage in the Drew Goddard Birthday Project charity kitty). The auction lasts for 9 more days.
Pancakes for Laistas
Inspired by all the pancake talk, the Miracleborns and I are going to go to the IHOP at 7006 Sunset (at Orange) on Sunday, May 2, at 11:00 a.m..
Want to join us? Come on down.
Reminder to run your Windows Update, folks...
Affects: Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP operating systems.
Sasser worm begins spreading
By Robert Lemos
Staff Writer, CNET
Story last modified May 1, 2004, 8:25 AM PDT
A worm has started spreading through the Internet using a vulnerability in a widely used component of the Windows operating system.
The worm--dubbed Sasser by antivirus firms--began spreading Friday night and seems to be moving at a moderate pace, said Vincent Gullotto, vice president of Network Associates' antivirus emergency response team.
"We have had 25 to 50 reports from companies that have had up to a few hundred machines infected," he said. "One company wanted to patch this weekend, but the worm infected their network first."
This worm spreads by exploiting a recent vulnerability in a component of Microsoft Windows known as the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service, or LSASS. As previously reported by CNET, security experts widely predicted that a worm would soon start spreading using that particular flaw.
The Sasser worm spreads from infected computer to vulnerable computer with no user intervention required. The worm scans for vulnerable systems, creates a remote connection to the system, installs a file transfer protocol (FTP) server and then downloads itself to the new host.
The worm opens up the initial connection on a specific application data channel, or port, numbered 9996. After the worm infects the new host, the FTP server listens on port 5554 for new files.
The worm uses multiple processes to scan different ranges of Internet addresses. The scans attempt to detect the vulnerable LSASS component on port 445. Microsoft has analyzed the worm and believes it also spreads through port 139. Both are data channels used by the Windows file sharing protocol and, in many cases, are blocked by Internet service providers.
A team of Microsoft engineers worked through the night to analyze the worm, said Stephen Toulouse, security program manager for the software giant.
"We are still studying the worm, but we do know customers that install the update are protected from Sasser," Toulouse said.
The worm will cause the LSASS component of Windows to crash, according to analyses. Infected systems will then perform a 60-second countdown before restarting. Microsoft has created a Web page telling customers how to manually clean up the worm.
Antivirus firms also continue to analyze the worm.