My immesnly talented sister is having a second showing of her one-woman show "Ladee Leroy." It's running May 27th through June 13th Thursday-Sunday, at 7:30 (I think, check local listings for times). It'll be at St. Ed's.
Also, I'll be down one of those weekends to see her, so ifin you wanna grab a drink or somethin' give me a holler. story about "Save Angel" campaign
By the way, I totally saw the billboard driving by the office my other day! I was so impressed!
EDIT: And Yahoo! has the same story on its main page
RE: Hotel for the May 22-23 F2F in Washington, DC
Folks, last weekend, Lyra Jane and Vortex checked out the hotel that was top-ranked on paper and it’s now top-ranked based on a site check. It is this hotel:
Holiday Inn on the Hill
(Capital Hill/The Mall)
The hotel is located just 2 blocks from the US Capitol, 2 blocks from Union Station, and 3 blocks from The National Mall. Also, within easy reach: The Air and Space Museum, The National Gallery of Art, other Smithsonian Museums, and shopping
It appears in all the guidebooks as a good value with a great location.
Key posts about it in the F2F thread are: 9268, 9271, 9342, 9345, 9355, 9399, and 9401. Speak now or forever hold your peace on the choice. We’d like to book it, so we can move along to discussions about clothes and outings knowing we have a place to stay and hold the prom.
(Allyson, could you pop over to answer some Qs re contracts with the Annabelle/Safari? And congrats on aunt-hood!)
Angel episode 411 - "Soulless" is now up in HTML.
Please follow the directions on the site for password information.
For Buffistas near Williamsburg, VA, on April 16-17:
Women, Gender and Television Regional Conference.
Jane Espenson is a keynote speaker, and there are a few Buffy-related papers being presented.
F2F poll # 982722384759207:
We have the hotel, now we need to know how many rooms to book. Check the box next to each night you will be staying.
Also be sure to check off the "roommate" box if you will be needing one.
If this is an inappropriate use of press, deletion-by-stompy is welcome.
CPSC, Stanley Furniture Company Inc., Announce Recall of Cribs
I know there are a lot of animal lovers on, so...
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "feed an animal in need" for free.
This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use
the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.
Animal Rescue Site
You'll All Pay #16 is up.
And if you like what you read you can sign up for e-mail notification of updates HERE
I haven't seen this anywhere else on the board so I thought I'd let people know that SMG is doing a guest voice on the Simpsons tomorrow.