OK -some fairly urgent news, in the sense there is a problem you (if you are a U.S. citizen) can do something about now.
El Salvador is holding elections. Part of the process is to have international observers - whose rights the constitution of El Salvador them to respect.
From Friday onwards international observers have been arrested there. Orginally about four. I've received verbal reports that the latest number is 80-100 arrested. Most of the international observers are U.S. citizens by the way, so these are mostly U.S. citizens who are being arrested. Many of these are not political people, who thought that being an objective election observer would be a nice non-profity way to make a contribution, and learn stuff and see the world.
There is no reason for the right wing conservative government to do this unless they intend to commit massive electoral fraud. Winning this election by massive fraud might well restart the Salvadorean civil war again.
No one believes for a minute the government of El Salvador would do this without at least the tolerance of the U.S. - since El Salvador is dependent upon U.S. Aid, international aid the U.S is in a position to cut off, and international trade the U.S. is in a position to cut off.
So I'm asking anyone who is a U.S. citizen to call the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador:
CISPES's action alert asks:
. Call the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador – over the weekend,call 011-503-234-2316, on weekdays call Annie Pforzheimer,the Counselor for Political Affairs at (011) 503-278-4444x2025 – and: · Demand that the U.S. Embassy call the Salvadoran Ministry of Government (Ministerio de Gobernación) to insist that they allow all international observers into the country. · Insist that the U.S. Embassy pressure the head of the Immigration Department to respect El Salvador’s electoral code which guarantees international observers the right to receive a visa of entry to the country as well as freedom of circulation and mobility. · Express concern for the many detained U.S. citizens and their access to human rights officials and lawyers.
And I would add don't accept "concern" as a brushoff. Emphasize politely that if International Observers are excluded, and human rights are ignored in this election, no one will believe it was done without U.S. permission.
You can learn more about this from [link] Yes they have a strong left-wing bias, but still are a very good source of information, and right now the only source since none of the mainstream media (or even much of the alternative media) has picked it up .
An international phone call is expensive, but this is one of those critical points where public pressure can make a difference - especially from U.S. citizens. (If you are not a U.S. citizen, a phone call still won't hurt shows the world is watching etc... But the sad fact is our government does not care much about world opinion. Because it is an election year, U.S. opinion matters a little to our leaders.)