I realized I didn't make this clear in the last message. I've got a spare ticket to The Disney Derby this Sunday after the Wolfram and Hart party. If someone would like to join me, it's free. I've got the spare ticket, come use it, you don't have to pay for it. The cost of playing with other fangeeks at Disneyland is on me.
Catch me at my profile addy if interested.
Ah…you thought *just* because the V-Day event was over you were off the hook. Think again! There are still a couple of ways you can be involved and help the cause. Of course, we are still accepting donations at the website. Then there are two other ways you can still help…
First, there is a Pampered Chef fundraiser going on. 15% of all proceeds go to V-Day. If you are interested in ordering, please visit their website and e-mail me your order at my profile addy.
Second, this weekend there is a Borders Benefit Weekend at two local Borders Books (Marlborough and Shrewsbury, for the locals). Those who bring in the Benefit form and present it to the cashier (Somervillians, look for this form to pop into your inbox), 15% of their purchase will go to V-Day. And who doesn’t want new books? We all do! So, I’m inviting the whole board to participate in this one. I’ll be heading down to Borders on Sunday to make a BIG purchase. If you would like me to pick up some books or CDs for you (I’ll add two dollars to your total to ship them to you, book rate), send me your order and address by Saturday at noon. After my shopping trip on Sunday, I’ll let you know your total, and you can send me a check. As soon as I have your check, you’ve got your books.
Thank you, again, everyone for your support of V-Day. I have just been overwhelmed by the generosity of the Buffistas.
Did you pay more than $10 for excess value insurance shipping anything via UPS from 8/26/94 to 10/11/03? Have you also not held a UPS account from 1/01/84 to the present? You may be entitled to a voucher in settlement of a class action lawsuit. See:
Grids of possible hotels for the F2F have been posted here.
It is with great joy (and a bit of exhaustion after 22 hours of driving, waiting and celebrating) that Lori and I would like to announce that we got married today at City Hall in San Francisco.
Can anyone with Perkin's cell number ping me? My cell is dead and I don't have it written down.
There are now some pictures from the Soulless Social up for people to gander at.