Bets are like the current day equivalent of dueling, aren't they? Doesn't the person who wins the bet get to call it off?
I've woken up far too early courtesy of a headache and the cats, but overall I still feel better than I did yesterday, so win on the whole.
Alibelle, it's great to have you back!
I second the motion, truly.
Things I accomplished yesterday: shaved legs (badly), called in expiring prescription and made dr appointment, backed up laptop data, downloaded and watched TV show, caught up on another TV show. Didn't leave the house, didn't get dressed, felt like shit. So pretty much already I'm ahead on points today.
I didn't leave the house either. I did laundry, cleaned out kitchen and bathroom, tried to read more of that library book due back Monday, put chicken breasts to marinate and then freeze for later grilling. Not bad, mostly.
Won't get to do squat this weekend, probably.
we need to leave the house in an hour and all I want to do is go back to bed. mac is opposed to leaving in general but I hoping that the ibu continues working enough to keep him feeling ok and it will not be an out and out fight.
Will you be leaving the house for long? Doing anything he'll think of as fun?
haircut and grocery shopping, so no. We'll be gone at least 3 hours and a train is involved. he is kinda resigned at this point. there will be a long afternoon of video watching when we get home, so he will be excited about getting back.
The good thing would be to find a bribe that works for the both of you.
I'm almost fully dressed now! I'm hoping to get a surge going in my accomplishments for the day. Next thing, putting on my outerwear....
I crashed, and crashed hard, at about 11:00 last night. Felt good, but now I am up too early. I predict there will be a nap later today.
I made it all the way out to the grocery store! And then another grocery store, and then another. (I had to check the other Whole Foods, since it was early and there wasn't hardly any traffic -- and they did have the Cherry Almond Ginger Chews that are very hard to find, so I feel very justified for the extra 6 or so miles of driving.)