Wow, your one true powder is an obscure one! Can't even find any for sale on eBay, which is my first stop for hard to find cosmetics.
edit: swear to god, were a continent not between us, I'd totally throw myself at your mercy to figure it out. Once I got over myself.
I'd totally drag you on a hunt. And make you look at various mineral makeups.
I'm sorry, sarameg! I had no idea you were even around. However, I have recently realized that I actually am the last to know anything. I clearly need better sources.
I missed you, Jesse!
It was TG in CA, Alibelle. (God, I hope I don't have you confused with someone else, cause then I'd feel like an ass all around!)
Wow, your one true powder is an obscure one! Can't even find any for sale on eBay, which is my first stop for hard to find cosmetics.
I kinda knew this would be an issue when I found it on a lark. Story of my cosmetic-life. Find some weirdass brand for a product, watch it die...
I'd totally drag you on a hunt. And make you look at various mineral makeups.
Well, I haven't been to the NW since I was wee... of course, I suck at travelling. Hey, come visit B'more with the Bean! (er, my apartment is totally not childsafe. But I've got friends with childsafe places if necessary! )
Heh. My HOUSE is totally not childsafe, but we manage.
and I realized that I had no idea that Hec and Jacqueline were pregnant, let alone had a baby girl several months ago. Congratulations!
Thank you! She's been super cute this month. Very chatty.
It's so good to see you again, Alibelle.
I don't know what TG is, but I know what CA is, and that's where I am. If that helps anything.
I see that no one is volunteering to go to The Grove. Come on, you know you want to.
In other news, I went to a gay cowboy bar last night. It was an experience. I also learned that if I ever switched over to lesbianism, I'd be super duper popular, as I had a crowd of five girls hitting on me before I even got a chance to find my friend, who was the reason I was there, as it was his birthday. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that even if I ever did switch teams, these girls would not be to my taste. They were boring conversationalists with dull hair. If you're going to converse as though you're at a "getting to know you" required function during your freshman year of college, at least be very pretty, so that the person you're speaking to is given something about which to think. But then, I've long since accepted that I'm a little on the shallow side.
I see that no one is volunteering to go to The Grove. Come on, you know you want to.
I would if I could.
I'd go to the Grove if it weren't 3000 miles away.
You're welcome, Hec.
Lee, you're just not thinking positively enough. I know you know exactly where it is, so you wouldn't even have to waste time mapquesting. You should just hop in your car right now.
Thanks, Hil.