Jello and Coke were had because they were cool and he is burning up.
Stupidly hormoney me just watched Oprah about kids in Ghana sold into slavery and then rescued and I am a cry-y mess and had to run in 8 million times to make sure mac is breathing and to hug him and honestly I could not be more ridiculous.
I embraced the chatty thing. People are interesting. Even when I hate them.
msbelle, you're almost as adorable as mac.
Okay, I gotta go make myself some Milo and curl back up with the heating pad.
Stupidly hormoney me just watched Oprah about kids in Ghana sold into slavery and then rescued
DON'T DO THAT! It's like moms with newborns who should never watch baby-in-jeopary tv shows!
Hug him for me too one of those times.
I freaked out the first time I was in a long line at a store in the DC area, and the cashier was still chatting with each and every customer. Come ON. LET'S MOVE, PEOPLE!!
S has told me repeatedly that my lack of interest in telephone small talk, agitation at small delays, and general hyperactive need to do things and be done with them rather than just relaxing and enjoying the view, would be interpreted as "typical rude Northerner behaviour" by Texans.
Cindy enjoys double-posting today.
"typical rude Northerner behaviour"
AKA "sweet peace and quiet where I can get stuff done without all these endless distractions!"