You know, makeup is really amazing. Ellen Degeneres is showing her photo shoot for W magazine, and the difference between (among, really) her with no makeup, her usual makeup for the show, and this glamour shot makeup is stunning.
Once again, I feel like I should start wearing makeup every day.
ita eats a late lunch.
My sister kept me busy with map design for the Biathlon she's organising. She'd better thank her lucky stars I got on Skype, because there's no way that was being done without video.
Ellen shoot pics. I don't quite like how they look, but it's mostly the silly hair.
You know, they gave me a bunch of reasonably nice makeup in my care package this Christmas, and I was thinking about wearing some. But I would probably need to change my wardrobe, too.
Or maybe I could just use only the black eyeliner.
Which is the one product I totally don't need.
Maybe I should stick with no makeup.
It's the City With Big Shoulders or something, no?
But it comes in on cat feet or something.
Once again, I feel like I should start wearing makeup every day.
Lord knows I like you all duded up.
Um, makeup is kind of anti-dude.
I do think Ellen looks best in the regular show makeup, but the smoky eye is pretty stunning.
Um, makeup is kind of anti-dude.
Not if the dude looks like a lady.
Chicago has my kind of razzmatazz. And it's got all that Jazz. It's my kind of town.
right, cause David would love people giving lip to SF or god forbid a favorite resturant.
SF is pretentious and twee, a city that pretty much bought its own hype and then has the balls to complain about the fakeness of New York. Whatev.