msbelle, there's a nasty fever virus going around. We were told it would run its course in 3-5 days. For us, it was more like 5-7 days (with both boys, my daughter remains healthy). Ben's still shaking it, but he was just getting over strep and an upper respiratory infection when this virus hit, so I think his recovery is slower than it usually is.
I hope Mac feels better, soon, and that his finger gets better, too.
Poor sick mac! At least it's the weekend now.
the weekend now, right? I don't think I can take anymore.
I have been instructed to please not lance myself anymore and also soak my thumb.
I'm a bad person, this made me snort. Did the Dr. think the infections were a bite or something?
Poor kiddos.
The biggest problem with the Lite Brite things was that they were placed in places where permission is required (and would've undoubtedly been denied). Stickers and posters you might get away with on a CTA (or T) platform, but electronics? NSM.
nah, just hangnail/cuticle infections. mine a bit worse than normal.
What disturbs me most with the Adult Swim electronics is that they were able to install all those things without anyone going "What are you doing?" You'd hope someone would be suspicious by strange people fiddling around under bridges and such.
re: Adult Swim--after seeing the stuff that shows up in "24" and all those shows, I wouldn't assume any mysterious electronic object isn't something to call the full alert out on.
edit: not to say that big city bomb squads aren't up to date on current bomb technology, but I don't want to be the squad chief saying, "Hell, it looked like a toy!"
Hmmm... good point.
Now I'm wondering what sorts of things bomb disposal people are trained to recognize as bombs. But I suppose that info is secret.
While only a small amount of explosive can be enough to bring down a plane, a much larger amount of explosives would be needed to bring down a building or bridge. Or is that not a distinction that the bomb disposal people would make?
nah, just hangnail/cuticle infections.
Weird. But glad it isn't a thumbeating infection from Mars!
I have been instructed to please not lance myself anymore and also soak my thumb.
I'm a bad person, this made me snort. Did the Dr. think the infections were a bite or something?
Made me laugh too!
Doctor: There you go Mac, that'll get you all fixed up.
Turns and looks as msbelle sternly.
And you missy, don't go poking yourself with sharp objects! Also, soak your thumb.
What disturbs me most with the Adult Swim electronics is that they were able to install all those things without anyone going "What are you doing?" You'd hope someone would be suspicious by strange people fiddling around under bridges and such.
The people who placed them shot videos of the devices being placed. They did it at night, and used telescoping poles to place the devices. The devices had magnets on the back so they just needed to be placed against metal. It actually only took a few seconds for them to place each device, and considering that they did it at night they could easily look to make sure no one's watching for the few seconds it took.