P-C is a Michigan escapee, true, but he came along long after the Michigista nights of leather-skirted debauchery had passed into legend (and, blessed be to God, photos).
I'm sure P-C would have looked perfectly handsome in a leather skirt as well had he been there in time.
Secret in the sense she never revealed it here, only in backchannel.
And the MichiBuffista debauchery was leather-panted. What's wrong with you people?
Secret in the sense she never revealed here.
I'm hoping the fact that it was several jobs, years and a city ago will render the point moot. FORGIVE ME RIO!
she didn't seem to have much extra-entourage contact.
This would, I presume, be the downside of entourage, generally speaking. It is like having velvet ropes made of human. Named Pretty Larry.
(If there is no Pretty Larry, we must needs create him.)
Hec, I was going to dog you for WMBR not being "public radio" but then
as I typed it
I realized that technically all college stations are actually public.
What media category were you in ita?
And the MichiBuffista debauchery was leather-panted. What's wrong with you people?
This is how legends get born and grow....
So who remembers when the MichiBuffista debaucheryers fought off the grizzly bear?
Somehow, I have managed to get in-between David's double-post.
...I feel dirty, now.
FWIW, I think meara was Fay's first actual girl kiss.
I'm always the runner-up with the hot blondes, you know?
The ANS thing = WEIRD.
Sean, it's in the pile of to-mail. With Teppy's now-ancient birthday stuff. Someone moved the pile, so I have to find it. I am TEH SUCK.
But not TEH_NO, so as we're clear.
Will no one guess on the visitors to Michiganistaland?
Jesse and Emily.
I'm off to lunch! Amuse yourselves.
What media category were you in ita?
Interviewed the British Prime Minister on TV.