Point to erika! The show in question was Angel, of course.
You know what I found hilarious about Europe? Milk in bags.
I mean, it's milk. In a bag. You cannot stand it upright if you try, nor will it stay in one shape.
I do not want my prepackaged food to be able to blob away from me on the floor like little jellyfish.
That's my Nutty. Before I was misled by her obsession with prescriptivists and descriptivists. But nobody else is freaked by the blobby milk.
Oh, we have chocolate milk in little bags, too! Only I have no idea how to call them in English, and you're missing out *so much* if you don't wanna drink them this way. They're so much fun.
Um, I mean, maybe Nutty?
It is Nutty! Points to her sib and the cowgirl. (and the sabra)
I am Selfish Sally on my bday -- I practically expect people to go to the bathroom for me!
Robin. I actually remember several of these.
I just sent an incredibly inappropriate email to a coworker. I'm 95% sure she'll laugh.
It's the other 5% I'm a little worried about....