Not Nutty! It is bon. Points to Aimee. (and Lee)
And I just realised, the word ‘screeching’ is so sadly underrepresented in literary sex scenes. Does no one screech like a banshee at the moment of truth anymore? I blame MTV. It’s taken it out of the bedroom and into Aerosmith videos. On which note (??), I walked out of my apartment this morning to the sight of two squirrels getting a bit of furry-tailed action on the footpath. It was an awkward moment. I stopped dead in my tracks, not really wanting to disturb them; they too froze in place, the one scrabbling to keep his balance, with expressions on their tiny faces very much like a teenager whose parents have come home early. Sadly, I did have a train to catch, and they shot off up a tree as soon as I took a step. I can only hope they weren’t traumatised by the experience. *sniff* They grow up so fast. ...No, they really do. I mean, they’re rodents, fer cryin’ out loud.