Daybreak question
That didn't occur to me when I was watching, but it's a good point. I think
the implication was that epilepsy generated the feeling of deja vu and repeating the day, but not full on hallucinations of actual events. But once you start doubting your own perceptions, how do you draw that line? So, it wouldn't prove anything, exactly, but it might reassure him by not contradicting his perception.
Jazz hands.
The story was bad. The pannel was horrid. I had to stop listening. While I am not sure that there is a lot of discrimination against athiests. There is some. interestingly godless and unamerican often go together in speeches.
There's not a lot of active discrimination, but being an atheist isn't something you want to admit to in most of the country -- atheists are routinely ranked as the least trustworthy group in America (below both gays and Muslims) every time someone decides to do a survey about it.
saying atheists should keep their mouths shut and then they wouldn't get crap about their beliefs
This, sadly, is a very common attitude. Being an atheist (and mentioning it in public) is considered impolite in a way that being a believer is not.
It just makes me mad. How about it had been a story about Muslims? Would CNN have a panel of non-muslims with a 2/3 of them talking about how muslims need to shut up and 1/3 saying they have a right to speak about being muslim but that he finds them distasteful?
Well, in "good?" sick news. I actually took a sick day yesterday and passed some work off to the gal I've been training. Now I'm back and will see if she did it right and how much time it took her to do it. I'm kinda afraid to look.
I just emailed in sick. I feel bad for doing it, but on the other hand, now I won't risk killing myself or anyone else trying to drive, plus I get to go back to bed, and then have a jammies day for the rest of the day.
Yay sick day! Boo sick. I'm having a jammies day, but I'm really supposed to be working. So far, I've had one really frustrating phone call, and a brief attempt to buckle down. Soon? Actual buckling down.
There seems to be a widely-held belief that there is nothing keeping an atheist from committing immoral acts because we don't believe in God or heaven and hell.
There seems to be a widely-held belief that there is nothing keeping an atheist from committing immoral acts because we don't believe in God or heaven and hell.
For instance, I am eating smores poptarts right now! And I don't feel bad about it!
Also, I am requierd by the secret bylaws of unbelieverdom to own leather pants. Cause, you know. Evil.
Also, I am requierd by the secret bylaws of unbelieverdom to own leather pants. Cause, you know. Evil.
My latest treadmill movie is "Underworld". Many, many cows died to make that movie.