When I put socks on over tights, I put the socks over my hands and roll them. Then roll them over my feet. It works well.
I left today in a state of frustration with inept IT. Fuck them.
I think I've moved from convulsive cough territory. Now, just stuffed sinuses and cold-voice, but that it a thousand times more preferable. I do think that I was a bit high on the Robutussin today. To the point I maybe shouldn't have been driving, which of course didn't occur to me until 3/4 way home. My limbs felt way, way too
I was way too aware of them. Ditto my skin. It wasn't like the itchies or anything, just hyperawareness. My feet belonged to someone else, even as I was giving orders.
R has never had that effect on me before. Kinda freaky. Actually, really freaky. Made me feel better, though.
Did you guys notice that one of the CTU men on last night's 24 bore a strong resemblence to Seth Green? Only taller (I think.)
I spoke too soon. Bye, most of dinner.
Fuck. Not to be gross, but I don't think anything has stayed completely in my system in the past 4 days. Kinda not good. And yet, I've gained weight. Go water retention? Other than the grossness associated and the damned cold, at least it isn't taking any other tolls on me. Other than the Robutussin high.
No snow yet. May it stay that way.
AW, poor Sarameg. I hope you feel better very soon.
oh sara, that's awful. Here's to you feeling better as soon as humanly possible.
What Robin said. I hope you feel better soon, Sarameg.
Honestly, I hate the coughing more than the puking. Puking at least seems to arrest the coughing. Other than that bullshit, I'm actually feeling better than I have since late Friday, more coherent, less brain-coma. Which is kinda fucked, but there it is.
No snow yet. May it stay that way.
On the Baltimore weather watch and post front, I'm sorry to report, it was flurrying as I drove home about 20 minutes ago. (although I hope sarameg is asleep now and getting rid of the nasty cold!)
I'm sorry to report, it was flurrying as I drove home about 20 minutes ago.
Hasn't hit NW B'more City yet! I'm hopeful.
Yeah, not asleep. Amazing how alert worshipping the toilet makes you. But after this post, likely closing the laptop and snuggling into my bed. With kleenex and a damned bucket.
There was a little bit coming down when I drove home. It was nice. powdery.