I'm right next to the door and the emergency exits. It's a harsh smell, more like ozone, so I'm wondering if the leaking sprinklers (apparently it's leaking across several floors already!) have begun frying electrical equipment or some such.
Still snowing. Still not evacuating.
Still snowing.
I forgot to say that after all our snow last week? 72 outside right now.
ETA: Also forgot to say stay safe shrift!
I have gotten so little email today, that I'm convinced it's broken. I hate it when I have no email. Well, not spam, but I have no gossip email, or anyone calling me an asshat for some imagined transgression.
I think the world might be ending.
I used to like Adrien Brody until there was this profile of him several years ago (in the Times? I forget), where he was such a poser ass I couldn't stand it. The capper was him being on the phone with P. Diddy, because he was going to go over there and "lay down some tracks" or some shit. Due to being a hip-hop artist and all.
I think the world might be ending.
I think you might be right.
I'm leaving work in a few minutes. I imagine it's going to take me a million years to get home.
If it was several years ago, he was in his early twenties, and dear god, was I ever a loser in my early twenties.
He could have grown out of it.
Right? RIGHT???
That's actually a decent point. With people I don't know, I will hold on to one negative story FOREVER. It seriously took me until the last year or so to believe that Matt Damon's not still a jackass like he was in high school.
Would you like me to email you, Allyson? I could call you a Spike-hating-poser-of-a-BNF because you're writing a book about how much James Marsters sucks!
Then I could write a PS and ask if you would tell Joss not to let that bitch Katie Holmes be Wonder Woman!
sumi, I'm confused by something in the first unaired Daybreak ep--at the end, when
Jared is going off with the doctor, why does Hopper look confused when he apologises for biting him? He knows Jared was looping, right? And that they'd met before. I thought Jared's lack of clear memory was just a confusion thing on his own part.
Hmm. I wonder if that's tied into the other thing from the ep that confused me--the difference in
facial hair. Jared didn't expect to be bearded, and Hopper looked like he was having a realisation when he looked in the mirror. But the beard thing was Jared's lost time,
I'm dizzy. And I hate this new finger splint. Chafes.