This is my favorite part about the crazy astronaut.
Nowak raced from Houston to Orlando wearing diapers in the car so she wouldn't have to stop to go to the bathroom, authorities said. Astronauts wear diapers during launch and re-entry.
If I could get to bed earlier, I wouldn't need coffee in the morning to function. Since I'm a natural night owl, this is unpossible. It requires more willpower than I currently have, or at least, I'm using that willpower for other things like not eating candy for dinner or blowing my entire paycheck on shoes.
sits next to shrift, puts head on her shoulder for a quick nap.
I had a 7 am hearing this morning, and never really got back to sleep after putting Li'l Sphere back to bed at 4:30 this morning. It feels like suppertime right now.
Last night, before I went to bed, I taped my finger splint on, because I keeps sliding it off at night.
Last night, after I went to sleep, I got out of bed, came to my desk, found my scissors, cut through the tape, removed the splint, and went back to bed.
I wish I'd been properly awake for all that, because now I can't find the splint.
I think it's kinda cool that in the dark and not really awakeness I didn't cut myself. But I still need to find the brace.
Iced coffee with 1/3 skim milk. Biggest one they have. Just coffee over ice with a dash of skim.
Daisy, what does '1/3 skim milk' mean? I thought you were saying 1/3 of the cup filled with skim milk, and the rest with coffee and ice, but that doesn't seem to go with the 'dash of skim'. Is 1/3 skim a type of skim milk?
I had a 7 am hearing this morning, and never really got back to sleep after putting Li'l Sphere back to bed at 4:30 this morning. It feels like suppertime right now.
Oh, Corwood. That's rough. Is Li'l Sphere sick, or just not sleeping well?
Last night, after I went to sleep, I got out of bed, came to my desk, found my scissors, cut through the tape, removed the split, and went back to bed.
Your sleeping self is....thorough? Ambitious?
So apparently there is a tv satellite receiver out in the UK that shares a name with a piece of software we support. Of course, this means the DUMBEST emails seeking help are coming to me, because the stupid people can't figure out the difference between the two.
Makes me thankful for my prima donnas, I gotta say.
Two things happened last night with the splint, I now realise. I brought it back to bed with me, and I broke it.
Not in that order.
Time to break in the backup. Which I really don't love.
Time to break in the backup. Which I really don't love.
Does this mean it will be hacked to pieces overnight?
It's probably too early for Hecubus to show up, but I'm eating breakfast and I didn't want him to miss out on an oatmeal experience.
I had oatmeal too.
I haven't had caffeine yet, though, which is probably why I had to stop and think about how many Fs and how many Es "caffeine" is supposed to have. It still doesn't look quite right.
I get the gronklies in the afternoon, not the morning, although since I've started this diet? NSM! I'm trying to wean myself off of the Diet Coke, and have managed to get my weekly intake down from about 7-8 20-oz. bottles to 2-3. I only have coffee when I go out to eat or when I'm visiting someone who is a morning coffee drinker, then I'll join them.
They were talking about that astronaut story on the radio this morning, and a caller was telling about the time she was in her early 20s and stalking an ex-boyfriend, using the term "going astronaut" to pinpoint her over-the-top moment.
Jack Davenport has a lead in a CBS show!!!
From Zap2it:
CBS has also cast Grant Show and Jack Davenport as two of the leads in its 1970s suburban partner-swapping drama "Swingtown." Davenport will play a businessman happily married to his high school sweetheart, with Show as an airplane pilot in an open marriage.