Maybe I should give
another try. It's been my least favorite of all the Whedons but it was Spidey's favorite and we powered through the DVDs so fast I probably missed a lot of nuance.
ion: Holy Shit it's Superbowl Sunday and The Bears are still in it!
If you think 6 AM Saturday is quiet on B.Org, you should try 7-ish on a Sunday morning.
Yo, Theo!
I know, I'm talking to you on IM, but I just didn't want to see your post sit there for another couple of hours :).
That's something, for sure. Otherwise it'd be you, me, and the tumbleweeds rolling through the topic.
Yesterday, I also managed to get data loaded onto the replacement external hard drive... which pretty much means that I'm exactly where I was, two weeks ago when the first one failed completely.
Go you! That's great. I would sit on a project like that for MONTHS (hence my iTunes still not being recovered from the old laptop).
I'm actually better off than I was, because now the iTunes is much more comprehensively backed up. I recovered all but one song, which is amazing, really.
I am frequentlt up and online at 6-7 am on the weekends. I just don't have anthying to say except gronk.
I'm already all riled up this morning, because CBS Sunday Morning is doing a thing about the Evils of Gambling, and some gambling addiction counselor just said "an alcoholic can just stay away from the bar, but a problem gambler has to see all the popular culture that celebrates gambling." Um, seriously?? Our popular culture doesn't continuously celebrate drinking?? Liquor is only available at one kind of place? PLEASE.
Phew. I feel better.
I am often up at that time, too, and I am not a mother. Craxy!
It is also freezing here. I am actually about to see if I can go buy a blanket or curtain to shut of the alcove in my living room that has no heat., because there is a big blast of cold air coming from there.
I have weird heat, though, because the furnace is in my apartment, and there are no heat runs, so the extremities of the apartment get very cold.
some gambling addiction counselor just said "an alcoholic can just stay away from the bar, but a problem gambler has to see all the popular culture that celebrates gambling." Um, seriously??
Yeah, my experience contradicts that. Number of times offered an alcoholic drink this week? 3 or 4. Number of times offered any form of gambling opportunity? 0.