Go forth and Netflix it. You may not like him but it's a good role.
I checked my queue, and it's in there. So are 400 other discs, so we'll see how it goes.
Jesse, yes! Thrillers, sff, and Jennifer Crusie. Part of me tries to make me feel lowbrow about my choices, but that's not the part that knows krav, so it's a pretty short tussle.
Rolfing. That's what I need. I don't know about the hooey gooey uses of it, but fascia manipulation is what my (now estranged) PT used on many of my injuries, and it really worked well, including getting me off my knee meds. Uh, which I'm back on for my migraines, but that's not his fault. It just made the related body parts freer and less stiff.
One of the last massages I had was a fluttery gentle one, because I was having a migraine and the masseuse didn't want to risk aggravating it while she worked on the bundle of steel cord I call a left trap. I wasn't even lying face down. She loosened it so much I was amazed. I drifted off to sleep, and woke up able to move without the pain.
I still swear by deep tissue, but accept that in the right hands it doesn't have to hurt to work.
and I have to say, I fell a little in love with Kiefer.
It's an easy thing to do. And a gooooood thing.
I checked my queue, and it's in there. So are 400 other discs, so we'll see how it goes.
It'll happen eventually. No good rushing it.
The winners of TAR Asia!
An all-female
team won it!!!
(And man is it cold in my apartment. Two pairs of socks aren't enough to keep my feet warm!)
Jesse, yes! Thrillers, sff, and Jennifer Crusie. Part of me tries to make me feel lowbrow about my choices, but that's not the part that knows krav, so it's a pretty short tussle.
Then you should be reading the Lee Child for sure. Jack Reacher is good times. (Also, I blame you for the fact that I couldn't find these books for the longest time -- I kept looking under Lee Pace.)
This is my work insurance, not the communist universal health care. Heck it's not that generous--we're no Sweden.
But still!
As an English major, I'm pretty sure I should know what a Villanelle is, but I don't.
A good example is "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night." 19 lines long, (6 stanza of 3 lines each, except the final, which has four) with the same 4 words repeating at the end of each line in that particular pattern.
One of the last massages I had was a fluttery gentle one, because I was having a migraine and the masseuse didn't want to risk aggravating it while she worked on the bundle of steel cord I call a left trap. I wasn't even lying face down. She loosened it so much I was amazed. I drifted off to sleep, and woke up able to move without the pain.
The very first professional massage I had was like that. Incrdibly gentle, yet I was totally loose by the end of it. I'm a bit of a brute myself when I massage, so it inspired me to try to be gentle and effective.
with the same 4 words repeating at the end of each line in that particular pattern.
Actually, it's a rhyme pattern (aba) except there is a dual refrain that is also repeated, not just words at the end of the line. So lines 1 and 3 are the dual refrain and they are repeated completely in a specific pattern throughout the poem.
Also, to add to the joy, it's usually written in iambic pentameter, at least 20th century American villanelles.
A great (if, as many of them tend to be, incredibly depressing) villanelle: Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art."