Dude, I think Boston weather is better than Dallas weather these days. Probably a bit colder but we've had quite a relatively warm streak (which has come to an end but can bounce back to) and practically no snow whatsoever. like less than 2 inches totall all winter.
You're probably right. We're going to be at about 28 tonight. However while he's up there with y'all, we'll be in the low to mid 60's (which is right about my chilly/too cold to be outside point).
Damn y'all...
Just like Dag, that's cold.
We were tripping a few weeks back cause it was 37.
Stupid Comics
Just what the link says.
As a special Christmas treat for you, Mister Kitty takes a look at annuals from a vanished industry that many people outside England never knew existed - British girls comics. For almost fifty years publishers like IPC and DC Thompson were cranking out weekly titles with names like Tammy, Judy, Mandy, and of course Bunty, the first British girl's comic. As literature for young ladies, these comics naturally featured lots of stories about plucky ballerinas, airline stewardesses, and horses. But just like their more masculine counterparts Starlord and 2000 AD, British girls comics seem to have a flair for the goofy, the bizarre, the surreal. Just check out the hook in our first example.
The example is the comic, "My Brother's a Chimp!" The other examples are equally stupid, if not more....
You know, I am reconsidering coming to Chicago. Ever again.
It'll be warmer in two weeks! I hope!
Below freezing is not warm!
Below freezing is not warm!
Hey, the normal high for this time of year is above freezing.
Anything near freezing, close to freezing, or in shouting distance of freezing is NOT WARM.
Comparatively speaking, I'll be ready to bust out a T-shirt and sandals and head to the beach if we get close to freezing.
Er. This isn't helping, is it?
This is why, the first day that comes anywhere near 60 degrees, people head out with summer wardrobes.
Comparatively speaking, I'll be ready to bust out a T-shirt and sandals and head to the beach if we get close to freezing.
I'm so totally with you.
I just walked Toto without my coat, because it's "nice" today. It's 35 F.