A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."
This was Sidney Morgenbesser, and the story I've heard is "Yeah, yeah."
The pedophile story is shocking! There are plenty of students, though, who look much older than 12 at my school. Both boys and girls. It's occassionally hard to remember how old they really are.
This was Sidney Morgenbesser, and the story I've heard is "Yeah, yeah."
And it wasn't a class, it was a linguistics conference.
The weirdest thing about the pedophile story is that the guy posing as a 12 y.o. fooled the older pervs he was with and...
The authorities said Mr. Stiffler and Mr. Snow were shocked, too, and angry about being duped by an adult posing as a minor.
That whole thing is incredibly weird and creepy.
And coincidentally, we were already talking about pedophiles at work this morning, because a coworker had a story of the husband of someone she used to work with getting busted for apparently emailing dirty pictures of himself and his little daughter. EW.
Yoiks, that's a creepy story.
In more amusing news, as I was walking in downtown SF last night on my way to meet a friend for dinner, I walked past a tall young man with long dark hair, who was towing a head of lettuce on a leash.
It was very fun to walk behind him for a few blocks and see all the double-takes he got from other pedestrians. However, it was SF, and nobody even asked him what it was about.
Aww. But then he could've said, "I know you don't usually see them on leashes, but he
to use the litter box!"
Wow. I look at these and think "Hey, nifty! I mean, if you're not NGA."
But then I read their philosophy and barf:
It is our belief that although a woman may be sophisticated, smart, sexy and forward thinking in her world, beneath the strong exterior lives a woman who is innately modest, and has a desire to be loved and respected; a different kind of strength.
Often, situations arise where self-betrayal replaces self-knowledge with the belief that having unprotected sex will please her partner and begin or keep a relationship going; all of which could put her life at risk. Furthermore, the idea of purchasing condoms herself or carrying them in her purse where others may see them, might be just too embarrassing. Or she may feel judged for having them in her possession.
Aaand we have snow again. I hope Sparky's ok.
ita, their logic is twisty and turny, and I don't understand. I'm strong, but deep down I want to be loved, but sex will feel better for my boyfriend with no protection, so I need to buy a compact for condoms (which are cute, BTW).