Am I flogging a dead horse? This Wonkette thing cracked me up: America's New Enemy Has Dreads, Watches Cartoons
The harmless cartoon Lite Brite thingies might just be harmless cartoon Lite Brite thingies, but the prosecutor still has to be very tough and extra-crazy in such a terroristic situation: “Assistant Attorney General John Grossman called the light boards ‘bomblike’ devices and said that if they had been explosive they could have damaged infrastructure and transportation in the city.”
Yes, and if prosecutors were actually barrels of shit wrapped in dynamite, courthouses around the country could be severely damaged and extremely unhygienic.
Am I flogging a dead horse?
I'm endlessly amused by it, actually. I just have a lot of work on my desk, so I keep zipping in and out of here.
I have to say, that Wonkette picture sums up the situation pretty perfectly.
I'm with Steph. Plus it's keeping me from killing people at work. (If there are checkboxes with different choices on a bunch of questions, which you seem to have been working with just fine until it comes to gender, where you write 2 in the box. Why?!? What does that mean!?! Are you trying to tell me that even with a name like Jonathan, you are twice the woman?).
I think I'm going to have a smoke.
A few random thoughts on the whole thing:
It should be a big public relations black eye for the Turner media empire if it isn't bankrolling the defense.
It would be a big public relations plus for the Turner media empire to make a sizable charitable contribution to a fine, upstanding Boston charity of its choice. Donating a thousand Lite Brite sets to a children's charity would not be the best choice.
Given the contemporary zeitgeist, I can see how someone could consider the Lite Brite thingies to be terrorist-related. However, this is more a commentary on the contemporary zeitgeist than on the Lite Brite thingies.
Zeitgeist is a pretentious word, but sometimes you can't think of any other appropriate word.
If those two are terrorists, a lot of people who currently aren't widely considered terrorists should be.
From tommy's link- Hee. They're only answering reporter's questions about 70's haircuts.
Except that they wrote 2 in the box next to female. Wouldn't a hermaphrodite check both boxes?
It should be a big public relations black eye for the Turner media empire if it isn't bankrolling the defense.
I think it's a huge marketing coup, actually. For their demographic, there won't be any negative fallout. The people that would watch Adult Swim will consider this to be a huge, overreaction and it will reinforce that AS is hip, edgy and noteworthy. (As marketers measure these things.)
The judge will likely toss the charges and they get to look like media outlaws and Boston gets to look stuffy and old-farty.