Yay! My swimsuit (and some pants I ordered, too) has been sent and is waiting for me to pick up at the apartment manager's office. Considering that, according to the tracking info I checked just this morning to find out where the heck it was, it had been sitting at the post office in Bolingbrook for five days before being sent here, I'm very happy to be getting it.
The post office, however, will be hearing from me.
ETA: A publicity stunt? Boy, I wonder what brilliant mind that that one up.
Some show with Turner Broadcasting. Apparently (according to the channel 7 news here) they've found some in NY, Seattle, and LA.
The show is "Aqua Teen Hunger Force."
Oh, dear.
Wait, is Aqua Teen Hunger Force still even on the air?
Oh, Shake! What have you done this time!
ATHF is still occasionally doing new eps.
Wait, is Aqua Teen Hunger Force still even on the air?
But maybe not for long, if they're pulling shit like this.
Frylock, man -- how COULD you?!?
"That Connie -- she's so damned frivolous!"
I'm a spendthrift, that's me. Though I think I will renew my website registration with GoDaddy and my host. Maybe I'll make it bigger.
Okay, I think Turner Broadcasting is getting a bill from Ye Olde MBTA Police Force. And possibly the mother of all assickings.
Yeah, they've made a statement, but I can't find it online yet. They just read it on the news.
Oops! I should have read that more carefully. That is their statement!