Dear User,
Sending me a message asking me what an e-mail is for indicates that you either didn't read the e-mail I sent you, or you are functionally illiterate, because the purpose of the e-mail is clearly stated IN THE DAMN E-MAIL.
If you're Paul Wolfowitz (architect of the Iraq war and now head of the World Bank) and you're visiting a mosque on a business trip surrounded by press taking photos, make sure your socks don't have big honking holes at the toes!
Also, you can wear subversive socks. I have a pair I got in France which look like black socks, until I reveal my ankle, at which case you can see a retro cat on them. Kinda cute, kinda funky. But THEN, if I choose to reveal the top cuff of the socks, you can see they say "pussy" around the top. Makes me laugh every time I wear them.
look at them to see if they look bunchy or mismatched to what you have on and if not, you are good to go.
I can do bunchy, but my instinct for mismatched fails me when it comes to socks. And sometimes other things.
I don't think I have any striped socks, though. I might have to fix that.
I've taken to staring at other people's feet to try and gain some knowledge. So far, no one has looked at me funny or threatened to take out a restraining order.
Target is an awesome place for socks, BTW.
Target is an awesome place for socks, BTW.
Someone should tell Paul Wolfowitz.
If I have a pair of shoes roughly this color, sort of a reddish brown:
What color socks would you wear with those? What color socks would be verbotten?
fun socks! from my friend's shoe & chocolate store:
Right? But then I feel like if I now own a pair or two of brown pants, I ought to at least have a pair of brownish shoes.
With my brown shoes, I wear either cream, flesh-ish, or brown socks, because I am INCREDIBLY BORING.
Someone should tell Paul Wolfowitz.
But then he'll ruin it for the rest of us.