erika! There was an article in one of our local papers the other day that made me think of you, except I won't link to it because the paper in question is such an amateurish typo-riddled rag it would make your journalism major self cry with rage.
The article was all about a recently arrested paraplegic robber -- he'd spent the last few months driving around in his modified pickup truck, pulling over at intersections, and threatening pedestrians with a pretend gun under his jacket until they handed over their jewelry. Apparently the modified truck and the fact that he never, ever got out to chase down anyone who ran away made him just a wee bit distinctive. He was arrested in his SF home last week, where officers found him sitting in his wheelchair wearing a $1000 necklace from his latest haul.
It seemed a story tailor-made for erika snarkage, all about the inspirational magical cripple who didn't let his disability stand in the way of his ambition, with a side of crime making you stupid.
WHAT the hell is going on in Boston today?????
They aren't mind control devices. Nope, defintely not.
Wah, it isn't available. Must have!
Well, as Chris Rock said of OJ simpson once, I don't condone what he did, but I *understand*
Because, okay, "richest country in the world" blah, blah, opportunity cakes. But I went to get my turn, and it's like "No soup for you! Don't you want these yummy crumbs...with right-wing resentment a bonus gift with purchase?!" Um, no.
Sometimes I'm surprised we don't all hit the streets like "The Wild Bunch"
"What are you rebelling against?"
"What have you got?"
But I'd never turn my gun on no citizen. A woman's gotta have a code.
WHAT the hell is going on in Boston today?????
I would hope that MIT-ians would be smart enough not to set off homeland security with a prank, but it almost sounds like something they might be pulling.
I'm seriously worried that they are going to be checking bags at the train tonight and/or trains will be delayed due to verifying the train bridge is OK.
I would hope that MIT-ians would be smart enough not to set off homeland security with a prank, but it almost sounds like something they might be pulling.
Yeah, i don't know. It's not really clever enough. And it will seriously get them arrested. Hacks have always been very, very benign.
But WTF. Going to be a nightmare getting home tonight.