Quick tip on mice in glue traps. I concur with NO. Period.
But if you find one by chance...as I did at the law office...The vet tells me all you need do...if the critter has not broken all its own bones trying to escape...pour vegetable oil over the trap and the mouse will be freed.
Turning over and stomping on it? W.T.F.
Someone with no compunction about killing like that? Pretty scary.
I would never stomp a mouse! I would never stomp a cockroach! I throw books I don't particularly like at them, like my biology text from college, or use Mr. Jane's shoes. Mice should be humanely trapped and sent to the country.
I have a similar policy about bugs in my house. With a caveat.
Everyone gets a free ride outside...unless you land onme. Then? Bets might be off.
But otherwise, I'd rather hedge that karmic bet (debt). Ya just never know. Plus...the ick is just too much to contemplate.
I think the biggest thing I stomp is ants. I eat dead things and wear them too but I think the only food I ever killed myself was a fish or a frog.
Living over a liquor store, I regularly got mice until I plugged in two of those buzzy box dealies which seem to have done the trick.
I get angry with the little blighters for putting me in a position to HAVE to deal with them...and they are wicked loud.
Sadly, the humane traps never seem to work for me. So buzzy boxes it is.
I just...where I come from, they look like fist size monsters and fly. At you. If you look at them wrong. They have made me lock myself in the bathroom until my husband got home from work. At 3 am. I am not scared of water moccasins. Sorry. They die.
I just discovered yesterday that the disneyfordogs cemetery we frequent is a haven for all manner of snakes. Um. Really? Just something I didn't want to know. We may need to permanently avoid the river side of the place. I'm not snake-o-phobic or anything. I've enjoyed the few I've held over the years...but in an uncontrolled environment were the fuzzball might be in danger? nononono.
Yeah. In general they won't do anything, but with fuzzballs there's no control over how the fuzzball reacts. I saw what seemed to be a common garden snake while walking my dogs, and while I would have been fine, there's no way to know if Oz or Max, specially Oz, would have attacked, and then I have a dog with a snakebite which I
to take to the vet.
I just rushed all the way through Natter to talk about House.
I divert to give ~ma and birdies of the hippo variety to them that need it.
Also, I have window clings, one from the 100th anniversary convention of my sorority, a school alumni one, and Strongbad and The Cheat from Homestar Runner. I've been mulling getting a license wrap thing from Cafepress that says "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
Now then... House:
Can someone with spicier brains than me explain why I hated tonight's House? The Old Man And The Cameron stuff was meh, but the girl was pissing. me. off. Can't put my finger on why. I kept waiting for her to have a big reveal... parent rape? House's illegitimate daughter? WhyTF are you here?!? She was just Plot Ex Machina through the entire thing. And why the hell does House have to be a child abuse victim?!? Why can't he just be a damn misanthrope because he is!!! I think smart people know that, heaven help them all, sometimes people just suck. House is pretty smart. Why can't he just be freaking jaded???
In conclusion, wtf.