(I'm going to be bummed when this car eventually dies, since the bumperstickers are no longer being made)
Meet my friend, makestickers.com.
I have two bumper stickers currently--both fairly small and black & white on my back window: "And though she be but little, she is fierce!" (courtesy of makestickers) and a Utilikilt emblem. I need to replace my Gothic Charm School one.
My greek landlady used to make me spinach pie and all sorts of other greek wonders. But she cooked all.day.long. It was her thing.
DJ, it's been my bumper sticker since the late 90's when I first discovered makestickers. I've had three different variations of the sticker. My favorite Shakespeare quote evah.
From Midsummer's right? When the girls are having their catfight?
you a vixen when you went to school?
(One of my favorite quotes too!)
Muffin bottom pie! Brilliant! "Sounds dirty!"
Yep. Helena says it about Hermia. It's a silly scene, but I love it.
Kristen, were you a vixen when you went to school?
Depends which school. In college, sure! In high school? Not so much. More a drama geek then.