We have a couple militant vegans (well, he is, more than she) at the centre. She's made him promise to stop getting into it with people (me), and I told her I wouldn't unless he started it.
Later I pointed out he always started it, because he has
tattooed on his leg. We've gone out and eaten vegan with them (okay, but no lifestyle) and raw (you have got to be fucking kidding). This is all balanced out by the guy who brought in a whole pig. He's totally cool.
You went to Vanderbilt, zenkitty?
When I told my dad I was back on this diet (which I lost 85 pounds on about five years ago), he told me that he tried it himself a year or so ago, but decided it wasn't for him when he realized they had no red meat. Poultry and fish, yes, but no beef, lamb, or pork. He likes his steaks and burgers too much.
Ginger, I did. Graduated in anthropology/psychology in 1984.
...I can't type for shit.
English, about 10 years earlier.
Once again, I am reminded of the barbecue where the guy called out "Hey! When are you gonna put on the chicken for us vegetarians!" Good times.
This is all balanced out by the guy who brought in a whole pig. He's totally cool.
I'll say. Mmmmm. Whole pig. I managed to get a couple of ribs and hunk of shoulder at Baconfest, so I managed to have ribs and pulled pork. Teh yum!
That said, it was a bit disconcerting after they'd carved up most of the pig for serving and a horde of people descended on what was left of the carcass. I thought I'd stepped into a George Romero zombie movie.
Good school. Crazy conservative (at least then).
McGill Dorm, perchance?
I was in McGill my senior year, when it went co-ed.
McGill talk confusing me.
The pig wasn't a huge one--three or so feet laid out. Guts were replaced with seasoned vegetables (of which I had none--what's the point?) and the ribs on one side had been removed, I think, for easy access.
Aside from the taste sensation that is lechon, I got to sink the cleaver into the pig's skull a couple time. Interesting what krav people think is excessive behaviour.
A vegetarian-since-birth (pescetarian, whatever) instructor came in and frowned at it, and then said it smelled really good. I can't imagine the position she's in. But I did read somewhere that bacon was the #1 gateway meat that broke vegetarians.