I'm checking out a lefty bumper sticker site.
I kind of like "Bush is Teh Sux!"
"Shooting a man in the face is probably the Least Evil thing Dick Cheney has ever done."
"Is it 2008 yet" is common in one sentiment or another.
"No one cares about your blog"
With apologies to Jen, it looks like "Vegans are annoying" is gettin popular.
(Jen is not annoying!)
My mother planned ahead.(She still got a great big cosmic Psych! anyway.)
My favorite bumper sticker from the '60s was "Join the Peace Movement or I'll Hurt You"
One of the few lefty ones around here I like is "2008 End of an Error". Course with Bush's approval rates, they could still be Republican.
"Where would you be if your mother had aborted you!"
"I wouldn't be here, duh. Unlike you, I can contemplate my own non-existence without flipping out like a mammal."
I have to say, it makes me happy to see a guy in a cowboy hat driving a big old Chevy pickup with a lefty bumper sticker on the back.
There are a few of those around here. Not really lefty bumper stickers, but anti-Republican with a Union sticker thrown in.
Are the family window (not bumper) stickers popular elsewhere? The one where you have stick figures of all the family members, perhaps with names underneath each one.
Way TMI for me. I remember reading that you shouldn't have your kids wear shirts with their names on them (and I have to admit, I don't see them as much as I did when I was little) because it allows strangers to act like they know them. This sticker thing is even worse that way.
I did giggle at one I saw with two men and a dog. Cute.
Now, do all the rainbow stickers have to do with teh gay? I guess, except for the Apple one. The narrow strip in rainbow colours, the rainbow teddy bears...it seems like a lot of gay.
I know from walking through the parking lot each morning that my office mates have Save Tibet, Bush Lied, an antiwar Jefferson quote, and Bring Our Troops Home among the ones for various bands, colleges, and indie radio stations. I have a small sticker for Bones Red (the bearings on my skates) and Madurodam, which is a cool place in the Netherlands. I am awaiting a They Moght Be Giants sticker and may add a pro choice one to round things out.
Window stickers here tend to fall into four categories, Universities, Nascar, NRA, and Calvin.