I haven't gotten my W2s yet.
I could've signed up to get them online, however since I couldn't even load the site to sign up, it seemed like a bad idea. My company has the lamest internal web design. Wait, it's worse than lame. It's actively stupid and broken.
So I haven't done my taxes yet.
Really? There are snottier symbols used by Christians, based on the ichthus?
Yeah. Those were in response to the evolution "fish with legs" one.
What is that fish symbol all about?
Matthew 4:19: "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
Oh, like this?
A variant-upon-a-variant, there is also in this line the "Truth" fish in which an ichthys with the word "truth" inside is shown eating the Darwin fish. It may or may not be a Christian retaliation against the Darwin fish.
That is snotty. Sorry, evolutionistas!
Oh, like this?
Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of.
"Truth" fish in which an ichthys with the word "truth" inside is shown eating the Darwin fish.
I see that one all the time.
evolution "fish with legs" one
Which lives on the back of my car.
Orca "tribes" actually specialize in what prey they go after -- biologists followed several groups over several years and found not only did they have different "languages" they also had seriously divergent customs and hunting protocols. And this in a very small geographic area, too.
This bumpersticker is wrong. But it made me laugh: [link]
I think about the snottiest things I see are the "In case of rapture this car will be unmanned" bumper stickers. Or in other words, "I am, in fact, holier than thou". I don't think you are supposed to be that sure of your salvation in most denominations of Christianity, but I could be wrong.