ita, I hope it's as simple as antibiotics = dad all better
seriously! And I hope that it happens quickly. May today bring only good news for you! (and everybody)
I already had a little fit at work today due to someone editing a "private" copy of one of our documents. Without tracking the changes. sheesh.
Happy Birthday, Anne! And I'm glad to hear your father's getting treatment, ita.
How is it that I'm off this week, and I still got up at 5:30 to go running with my sister? Peer pressure is an amazing thing.
I went by the new office yesterday at noon to meet with the woman I'm replacing (her last day is tomorrow and I don't start until next week); instead of a quiet hour or so going over the filing system, I got a formal 2-hour briefing (complete with PowerPoint), was introduced to 12 people, and ended up gossiping for nearly an hour with the former coworker who turned me onto the job.
All of which was nice, but I was there until 5:30, and dude, this is supposed to be my week off. I was pleasantly surprised that my boss-to-be already said something about making the time up to me.
Today I meet with a gardener, run my niece to the orthodontist, and get a hot rock massage, woot.
How are y'all?
::has seen Consuela's garden::
Better check with his bonsai experience. I'm just saying....
Ooh, now I want a hot rock massage, too. I think it might be time for my semi-annual massage.
Better check with his bonsai experience.
Yeah, the yard's not big, but it's a complete mess. Juniper hedges are taking over the sidewalk, everything needs to be pruned, and the oxalis is like the Weed that Ate Tokyo. I'm gonna see what it'll cost to get them to pull the oxalis and put down weedblocker and then a heavy coat of mulch on top.
It's embarrassing, the condition my house is in. Later in the year I'll look into getting it painted or sided, I haven't decided. And then the kitchen, for which I'll probably need a HELOC. So much to be done.
Don't buy a house, it's not worth it! Sigh.
Happy Birthday Anne!
It is entirely too freaky that I was up til almost midnight doing housework last night and then woke up alert and energetic before 7 am.
There are 4 very puffed up robins perched right outside my window. Kinda cute.
2006 Golden Wingnut Awards for Right-Wing Blowharditry: [link]
I especially recommend watching the video, which demonstrates the dignity the Bush Administration and their most zealous adherents returned to the White House and is scored to the inimitable sounds of the Shaggs' "My Pal Foot Foot."