Anyone have a NYT Select subscription? (Mine expired and I don't know if it's worth renewing.) Anyway, I want to read this Maureen Dowd column.
Here's some quotes:
Maureen Dowd writes in her New York Times opinion column (subscription required): "Delusional is far too mild a word to describe Dick Cheney. Delusional doesn't begin to capture the profound, transcendental one-flew-over daftness of the man.
"Has anyone in the history of the United States ever been so singularly wrong and misguided about such phenomenally important events and continued to insist he's right in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary? . . .
"You must have a real talent for derangement to stay wrong every step of the way, to remain in complete denial about Iraq's civil war, to have a total misunderstanding of Arab culture, to be completely oblivious to the American mood and to be absolutely blind to how democracy works."
She adds: "In a democracy, when you run a campaign that panders to homophobia by attacking gay marriage and then your lesbian daughter writes a book about politics and decides to have a baby with her partner, you cannot tell Wolf Blitzer he's 'out of line' when he gingerly raises the hypocrisy of your position."
Oh, the chemistry between Jon Stewart and Bill Gates... is not.
Thanks, sumi - I did see the thing about Wednesday, plus I figured I could catch it online. I was just all excited for the spoiler casting, and then... I forgot. D'oh.
Much let everything be okay ~ma for ita and Dad of ita.
I have been home all day feeling achy, fevery and nauseous. And I just found out why. However, an awesome Mr. Jane just left work on his tiny break to bring me tomato soup and some Indian/vegetarian thing in a pita, walk the dogs, and run to the convenience store for supplies.
ETA: I also meant to say that while I feel like utter shit, at least I don't have this , which is apparently what my real mom (friend of my mother's who we decided must be my real mom, and my mom is her daughter's real mom) caught while in Singapore.
I talked to my SIL today, and my nephew has been asking where I am. So she put him on the phone and we talked about baking cookies in Grammie's kitchen.
I talked to my SIL today, and my nephew has been asking where I am.
Awww. If it weren't nearly midnight, I'd have to call my little cutie [link]
Hoping all turns out well with your dad, ita.
I feel strangely restless tonight. Cooked dinner, unpacked and washed the last of my dishes (from the move almost 3 years ago!), cleaned my grill, cleaned the kitchen floor, put away laundry. I'm afraid to do anything about the bathroom floor or magazine clutter, as those are jobs I can't finish in an hour.
This mostly protein diet thing does have some nice benefits in terms of energy level. If not in getting plenty of sleep...
Father's staying the night in hospital and they're treating the infection with IV antibiotics. I'm still tense because there are test results that won't be back for a couple weeks, but at least he's in medical hands.
Man, I was having a crap day anyway. Not that there's any good time for something like that--but I was just working up to a big migraine/can't eat without pain wallow. Sadly, those symptoms didn't defer to the news, even though my brain instantly fixated.
Infection. Antibiotics. All good, all good.